本文选题:高等师范院校 + 公共体育 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Sports activities are an indispensable activity in our life, sports are also indirectly permeated through human life. Everyone can't live without physical activity. Life lies in sports. Sports can not do without sports. The Constitution stipulates that every age child and teenager must accept justice education according to law. Sports education is an important group of compulsory education. In addition, sports education is the basis for students to develop lifelong physical education and the important content of training the talents needed for the society. Physical education teachers are the main implementers of school physical education and the main guide of students' learning. The teachers play the leading role in the course of physical education and the students are the teaching contents arranged according to the teachers. The better the teacher's teaching ability is, the more obvious the effect of the students' learning. Therefore, the teaching ability of the teachers is very important in the course of teaching. This paper makes full use of the methods of literature, questionnaire, Delphy, logic analysis and so on, and combines the knowledge of various disciplines in a comprehensive way. The characteristics of physical education discipline, grasp the combination of physical education and other disciplines, comprehensively analyze the characteristics of the evaluation system of the teaching ability of physical education teachers at home and abroad. Under the circumstances of the characteristics of the teaching ability of the public sports teachers in higher normal colleges, we should strictly follow the comprehensive principles, the principles of science, the principle of pertinence and the principle of feasibility. The principle of development, subject characteristic, preliminarily determined 3 first grade index, 12 two grade index and 34 three grade index to form the evaluation index system of the teaching ability of public physical education teachers in normal colleges and universities. After the first round of expert questionnaire survey, the reclaimed questionnaire was analyzed and analyzed in the preliminary evaluation index system. There may be repeated evaluation indicators, and there may be an evaluation index that is less related to the teaching ability of public sports teachers in normal colleges and universities. In the case of in-depth discussion with the instructor of the paper, and combining the results of the investigation and the actual situation of the teaching of physical education teachers, it is not contrary to the principle of comprehensiveness and the principles of science. Under the conditions, the preliminary evaluation index system is adjusted, and some evaluation indexes are merged, added or deleted. The evaluation index of the teaching ability of the public sports teachers in the normal colleges and universities is more representative and pertinent. After the first round of the expert questionnaire, the second round of expert questionnaire survey is carried out. According to the data statistics results of the second round of expert questionnaire and the practice of the teaching ability of the public physical education teachers in the higher normal colleges and universities, the importance of the indicators at all levels is assigned by the five grade scoring method. After the score of the experts at all levels, the weights of each evaluation index are determined and the rights of each index are determined. The standard scale of the evaluation system of the teaching ability of public physical education teachers in normal colleges and universities is constructed. Several public sports teachers are selected randomly in the public sports teaching and research room of a normal university, and the evaluation system of the teaching ability of the public physical education teachers in normal colleges and universities has been used. Through the statistics and analysis of the evaluation results of the teaching ability of the public physical education teachers in normal colleges and universities, the evaluation system of the teaching ability of public physical education teachers in normal colleges and universities is more perfect. The weight coefficient of all the indexes is obtained by the two rounds of expert questionnaire. Finally, a complete normal college is formed. The evaluation system of the teaching ability of the school teachers of public sports is made, and the evaluation system is constructed to evaluate the teaching ability of the public physical education teachers in a normal university. The evaluation of a teacher by the college leaders and the public sports teaching and research group is compared. The results of the evaluation are compared and the higher normal colleges and universities are found. There is a certain connection between the evaluation of the evaluation system of the teaching ability of public sports teachers and the results evaluated by the college leaders. At the same time, it can also show the teachers' problems in the teaching. The results of the evaluation of each evaluation index in the evaluation system of the teaching ability of the public physical education teachers in normal colleges and universities can be clear. To see the shortcomings of teachers in teaching, find ways to correct shortcomings through analysis and research, so as to promote the improvement of teachers' teaching ability.
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