本文选题:青少年 + 羽毛球 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:很多出自各级体校的中国国家队运动员在奥运会等重大国际比赛中获得奖牌。青少年体校已成为我国体育事业的重要组成部分。这也是本论文选取海淀体校青少年作为研究对象的重要原因。本论文首先对海淀体校羽毛球运动员做一次体能测试,然后根据测试结果来调整和完善体能训练计划,以达到更好的更快的提高青少年运动员整体竞技水平。根据青少年生长发育的基本规律及生理特点,同时参考《中国青少年羽毛球训练教学大纲》对各年龄组青少年羽毛球运动员的考核办法与标准作为本论文身体素质测试的重要依据以及一些青少年体能方面的文献资料和对羽毛球专家访谈为依据筛选出本次科学合理的测试指标:1、力量素质:立正跳远羽毛球原地掷远1min快速仰卧起坐2、速度素质:50 m冲刺跑25m×53、耐力素质:1500m跑3000m跑4、灵敏协调素质:10次低重心步法跑1min快速双摇跳绳15m往返绕杆跑5、柔韧素质:坐位体前屈通过以上测试方法,经过对测试成绩的整理分析得出青少年羽毛球运动员基础阶段体能训练中存在的一些问题:一、海淀体校青少年羽毛球教练员中具有研究生学历的教练员占总教练员人数的60%,学历较高,而且大多数教练员执教年限4年以上,经验丰富对培养优秀的运动员很有帮助。但是缺乏专项体能教练。专业体能教练是体能训练顺利开展的核心成员,关系着整个体能训练每一个环节。所以缺乏专项体能教练是大多数青少年体校面临主要问题。二、海淀体校青少年羽毛球队员体能整体处于中上水平,体能测试成绩优秀的运动员只占少量,而成绩良好的队员最多,成绩中等的青少年也占少量,成橄榄球状分布。其中上肢力量、下肢力量,耐力素质和灵敏协调素质优势明显,而在速度素质测试的50米和25×5米折返跑中成绩相对较低。三、教练员都有制定体能训练计划,但大多数计划都是中短期计划,只有少部分教练员制定长期计划。教练员在体能训练中一般都能严格执行自己的体能训练计划。体能训练计划适合大多数青少年运动员,但少数运动员对教练的体能训练出现吃不饱和吃不消的现象。
[Abstract]:Many Chinese national team athletes from all levels of sports schools have won medals in the major international competitions, such as the Olympic Games. The youth sports school has become an important part of the sports cause in China. This is also an important reason for this thesis to select the young people of Haidian sports school as the research object. This paper first made one of the badminton players in Haidian sports school. According to the basic rules and physiological characteristics of young people's growth and development, according to the basic rules and physiological characteristics of young people's growth and development, we also refer to the youth badminton training program of China for young badminton transportation of all age groups. As an important basis for the test of physical quality of this paper and the literature of some adolescents' physical energy and the interview of badminton special family visits, the methods and standards of mobilizing are selected as the basis of scientific and reasonable test indicators: 1, strength quality: the vertical long jump badminton is thrown far 1min fast crunches 2, speed quality: 50 m flush. 25m x 53, endurance quality: 1500m running 3000m running 4, sensitive coordination quality: 10 low gravity gait running 1min fast double roll rope skipping 15m round and round rod running 5, flexibility quality: sitting body forward flexion through the above test method, through the analysis of test results to get some problems in the physical training of Youth Badminton Players in the basic stage of training. First, the coaches of young Badminton Coaches in Haidian sports school have 60% of the total number of coaches, higher education, and more than 4 years for coaches to teach, and the experience is helpful to the training of excellent athletes. But there is a lack of special physical fitness trainers. Professional physical fitness trainers are the smooth training of physical fitness training. The core members are related to the whole physical fitness training. Therefore, the lack of special physical fitness coaches is the main problem for most teenage sports schools. Two, young badminton players in Haidian sports school are in the middle and upper level, and the athletes with excellent results are only a few, and the players with good results are the most and middle grade. Young people also accounted for a small amount of rugby like distribution. The upper limb strength, lower limb strength, endurance quality and sensitive coordination quality were obvious, while the 50 meter and 25 x 5 meter return run were relatively low in the speed quality test. Three, the coaches had the physical training program, but most of the plans were medium and short term, only a small part of the teaching. Trainers make long-term plans. Coaches generally carry out their own physical training programs in physical training. Physical training programs are suitable for most young athletes, but a few athletes have an unsaturation of the physical training of coaches.
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