本文选题:《国家学生体质健康标准(2014年修订)》 + 中学 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the completion of the revision of the National Standards of physical Health of students (revised in 2014), the standard has been implemented in schools all over the country for two years. The effect of the implementation remains to be examined. This study will be based on the function of the Standard. In order to realize the goal of educational motivation, the paper formulates the "Standard" implementation effect Evaluation questionnaire, and explores a new method to evaluate the "Standard" implementation effect, so as to bring the "Standard" implementation effect into the government. Education and school evaluation lay the foundation of theory and practice. Based on the literature and expert consultation, this paper formulates a theoretical framework questionnaire for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Standard. At the same time, a confirmatory investigation is conducted on 326 students of 12 middle and senior middle schools in six cities and counties of Ningxia Hui Autonomous region. To test the validity of the questionnaire. Through literature accumulation, relevant policy support and expert evaluation, the theoretical framework for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the Standard has been established, which includes three first-level indicators, namely, education incentive, feedback evaluation, guidance and exercise, and seven second-level indicators. They are the implementation of the relevant documents of "Standard", the development of "Standard" test, the cognition and interest of students in physical education class and extracurricular exercise, the reporting of test data, the feedback of evaluation results, the state of students' physical health; The cultivation of students' physical exercise habit and behavior. The evaluation questionnaire consists of 6 dimensions, including student questionnaire, teacher questionnaire, manager questionnaire and student questionnaire. In this paper, the students' questionnaire has been tested, and through five rounds of investigation, the methods of item discriminant analysis, total correlation analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and so on have been adopted, respectively. Test the implementation effect Assessment questionnaire (Student questionnaire). After testing, the theoretical framework of student questionnaire evaluation is established, which includes 6 dimensions and 40 items. The determination value of each item in the questionnaire reached 0.05 level, the total correlation coefficient of each item in its corresponding level was greater than 0.3, and the total correlation coefficient of each item was greater than that of other item. The results of three factors and their partition obtained by factor analysis are consistent with the test results of the correlation coefficients of each dimension, and the composition of the three factors is basically consistent with the design of the questionnaire, which shows that the questionnaire has good structural validity. The reliability coefficients of each dimension and the internal consistency of the questionnaire were between 0.867 and 0.943, and that of each sub-questionnaire was between 0.839-0.942, which was at a better level, and the questionnaire had better stability.
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