本文选题:体育仲裁 + 加拿大体育纠纷解决中心 ; 参考:《体育与科学》2017年05期
[Abstract]:Under the influence of domestic judicial system, the Canadian Sports dispute Resolution Center distinguishes the scope of examination and the standard of examination in the examination of the substance of sports arbitration. Based on respect for the professionalism of sports organization, Canadian sports arbitration adopts rationality standard, not correctness standard. Its core judgment criterion is whether the original decision of the sports organization can be one of a series of reasonable and acceptable possible results based on the facts of the case and the law. The standard of rationality has different requirements in different cases: one is to apply the general provisions of the standard of rationality to a specific resolution of the sports organization, the other is to aim at the defects of the rules of the sports organization. In the abstract examination of the use of a more stringent sense of reasonableness standard. When our country determines the standard of judicial review of sports arbitration, we should draw lessons from the above experience and innovate the system in combination with our country's judicial practice.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学法学院;
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