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发布时间:2018-07-07 17:02

  本文选题:英式橄榄球 + 有氧供能 ; 参考:《天津体育学院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究背景:我国橄榄球于1928年开始发展。奉天中学橄榄球队是我国第一只橄榄球队。目前我国橄榄球运动以英式七人制橄榄球为主且快速发展,但从能量系统角度的研究较国外少。通过查阅文献发现目前我国仅有一篇关于橄榄球能量代谢的文章,并且是综述形式的,这篇文章并未说明是针对七人制橄榄球的研究还是十五人制橄榄球的研究。目前关于橄榄球能量代谢方面的研究在我国几乎是零,我国亟待这方面的研究。研究目的:通过测量橄榄球队员的无氧供能、糖酵解供能、有氧供能的能力以及血乳酸阈等指标来观察橄榄球运动员能量供应的情况;对比前后锋在供能特点上的差异。结合加速度计与视频分析橄榄球比赛中橄榄球队员主要需要的供能方式。探究前后锋供能的特点是否符合比赛中能量的需求;探索一种符合橄榄球专项的简便有效的有氧供能的现场测定法。与国外英式七人制橄榄球做比较,找出自身不足。研究方法:本实验研究对象为英式七人制橄榄球运动员,共计14名,前锋8名,后锋6名,来自天津市橄榄球队,运动员水平均为健将水平。通过对磷酸原供能、糖酵解供能、有氧能力进行测试,结合加速度计与对比赛的视频分析来观察前锋、后锋在比赛中的供能需求。将Conconi场地测试与最大摄氧量进行相关性分析,探究能否代替最大摄氧量来评定橄榄球队员的最大摄氧量,最后对比国内外的相关数据,找出国内外队员之间的差距。研究结果:前锋队员的身高与体重均要大于后锋队员(P0.05),对年龄的统计中无显著性差异。前锋队员的身高比后锋高约9.33cm,体重高11.33Kg。在磷酸原测试中,前锋的纵跳能力、下肢磷酸原供能、冲刺能力、要强于后锋队员;糖酵解测试中上下肢无氧功,均要强于后锋队员,400米测试中前锋队员的血乳酸峰值要高于后锋队员0.24mmol;有氧供能测试中,后锋队员的相对最大摄氧量高于前锋7.29 ml/min/kg,运动强度也要高于前锋队员2.06MET;血乳酸阈值后锋出现的较晚,比前锋队员高出0.57mmol,,Conconi场地测试中后锋的心率骗折点出现的比前锋队员晚400米,后锋队员运动时间也要比前锋队员长。综合三场比赛的能量消耗发现,上半场时后锋上肢比前锋能量消耗高出9.13kcal,1.19MET,下肢高出14.37kcals,2.53MET;下半场中后锋的上肢比前锋高出10.49kcal,0.9MET,下肢高出18.98kcal,1.47MET。比赛中上半场冲刺、拦截次数均产生下降,磷酸原、糖酵解供能产生下降。Conconi场地测试中拐点心率与相对最大摄氧量做相关性分析,其相关性为0.767。研究结论我国橄榄球运动员三大能源供应系统中无氧供能在比赛中作用较大,此次测试为国内第一次对优秀橄榄球运动员供能系统的测试,我国橄榄球运动员的磷酸原供能下肢高于上肢,前锋高于后锋,糖酵解供能中前锋强于后锋,而有氧能力前后锋的表现均不佳,有氧能力相比于国外水平较差。国内的橄榄球运动员能量的供应符合能量的需求,但供应方面略显不足,应对三大供能系统加强训练。在橄榄球队员的有氧能力测试中,采用最多的仍然还是最大摄氧量这一精准的测试方法,但在日常训练中具有一定的局限性,本研究通过将Conconi场地测试与最大摄氧量做相关回归分析发现将此方法设为评定队员的有氧能力不失为一种好的方法。我国橄榄球队员在体型上偏瘦,应进行相应的增重,无论是前锋还是后锋队员,在速度上较国际运动员较低,在速度上都具备很大的发展空间。
[Abstract]:Research background: our country Rugby began to develop in 1928. Fengtian middle school rugby team is the first rugby team in China. At present, our country Rugby sport is based on British style seven rugby ball and develops rapidly, but the research from the angle of energy system is less than that of foreign countries. The article of metabolism, and the form of the review, does not indicate the study of the seven man rugby or the study of the fifteen man rugby. At present, the research on the energy metabolism of rugby is almost zero in our country. Our country needs this research. To observe the energy supply of rugby players, compare the energy supply of rugby players with the ability of fermentation, aerobic energy supply and blood lactate threshold, and compare the difference between front and back front in the energy supply characteristics. Energy demand; explore a simple and effective method of field determination of the simple and effective aerobic energy supply for rugby. Compare with foreign English seven man rugby ball, find out its own shortcomings. Research method: the research object is the British seven man rugby player, a total of 14, 8 forward, 6 back forward, from the Tianjin football team, sports The level of the staff is the level of the gym. Through the test of the phosphate energy supply, glycolysis energy supply, aerobic capacity, and the video analysis of the accelerometer and the game, the power supply demand of the forward and the back forward in the competition is observed. The correlation between the Conconi site test and the maximum oxygen uptake is analyzed to explore whether the maximum oxygen uptake can be used to evaluate the olive. The difference between the height and weight of the forward players is greater than that of the back forward (P0.05). There is no significant difference in age statistics. The height of the forward player is about 9.33cm higher than the back front, and the height of the forward team is 11.33Kg. in the phosphate test, The power of the forward jump, the power of phosphoric acid supply and the sprint ability of the lower extremities, is stronger than the back forward, and the upper and lower oxygen free work in the glycolysis test is better than the back forward, the peak of blood lactic acid of the forward players in the 400 meter test is higher than the back forward 0.24mmol; in the aerobic energy testing, the relative maximum oxygen uptake of the back forward is higher than the forward 7.29 ml/min/k. G, the movement intensity is also higher than the forward player 2.06MET; the blood lactic acid threshold back forward appears late, higher than the forward players 0.57mmol, Conconi field test in the center of heart rate cheating point 400 meters later than forward players, the back forward movement time is longer than the forward players. The energy consumption of the comprehensive three games, the first half of the time after the discovery, the first half of the time after the The upper limb is higher than the forward energy consumption of 9.13kcal, 1.19MET, and lower extremity higher 14.37kcals, 2.53MET; the upper limb in the second half is higher than the forward 10.49kcal, 0.9MET, the lower limb is higher than the 18.98kcal, the first half sprint in the 1.47MET. competition, the number of interceptors decrease, the phosphoric acid, glycolysis supply can produce the decrease of the heart rate in the.Conconi site test. The correlation analysis is related to the relative maximum oxygen uptake, and its correlation is 0.767. research conclusion that the three major energy supply system of our rugby players is more effective in the competition. This test is the first test for the energy supply system of excellent rugby players in China. The original phosphate supply of Chinese rugby players can be higher than the lower extremities. In the upper limb, the striker is higher than the back forward. The front front of the glycolysis power forward is stronger than the back front, and the performance of the front and back front of the aerobic capacity is not good. The aerobic capacity is inferior to the foreign level. The energy supply of the domestic football players is in line with the energy demand, but the supply aspect is slightly insufficient. The three major power supply systems should be trained. In the test of oxygen capacity, the most accurate method is still the maximum oxygen uptake, but it has some limitations in the daily training. This study shows that it is a good way to evaluate the aerobic capacity of the players by the correlation regression analysis of the Conconi site test and the maximum oxygen uptake. The rugby ball players are thinner in body size, and should carry on the corresponding weight gain, both the forward and the back forward, which are lower in speed than the international players, and have a great development space in speed.


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