本文选题:体育产业 + 体育特色小镇 ; 参考:《武汉体育学院学报》2017年06期
[Abstract]:As the innovation practice of the sports industry supply-side reform, the sports characteristic town is a new model of the sports industry crossing the border, which is of great significance to the new urbanization and the healthy construction of China. By using the methods of literature, field investigation and expert interview, this paper discusses the essential connotation, value function and industry integration elements of sports characteristic town, and puts forward some general measures. From the perspectives of social governance, industrial convergence, new urbanization, national fitness and so on, this paper interprets the sports characteristic town in many dimensions, and thinks that the sports characteristic town is conducive to speeding up the transformation and upgrading of the sports industry. Expand effective supply and promote cross-border integration of industries. Industrial connection, institutional supply, consumption demand and scientific and technological development are the basic elements of cross-border integration of sports industry. In order to build a small town with sports characteristics, scientific planning, clear positioning of sports industry, optimizing allocation of resources, strengthening cross-border integration, perfecting operation management and attaching importance to dynamic evaluation are put forward in this paper.
【作者单位】: 武汉体育学院经济与管理学院;武汉体育学院研究生院;
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