发布时间:2018-07-18 16:14
【摘要】:研究目的:坐起在日常生活中必不可少的运动方式,每个人有不同的坐起姿态,在不同坐起姿态下,股内外侧肌肉用力情况、股内外侧肌用力大小对于髌骨稳定性是否会有影响,通过本实验进行下一步探索。本研究通过让受试者做六种双脚姿态的坐起动作,通过表面肌电、运动摄像等系统,对不同双脚姿态下坐起过程中,股内外侧肌的表面肌电进行测试,结合运动摄像以日常坐起姿势为基准,探讨不同其他坐起姿势对股内外侧肌的收缩比的影响,为以后股内侧肌与股外侧肌收缩比的研究提供参考。研究对象:山东师范大学体育学院男生,共13名研究生,年龄25±0.81岁,身高179±0.71厘米,体重72±0.22公斤,作为受试者,招募的研究生无膝关节损伤及其他膝关节疾病。研究方法:为了采集六种不同双脚姿态下双腿股内外侧肌EMG信号,应用德国研制开发的Biovision多通道表面肌电仪,将采集到的股内外侧肌肉的表面肌电信号进行放大处理;本次测试分为六组动作,每组动作进行三次;实验录像与肌电数据通过运动录像解析系统与DASLAB软件进行分析处理。在进行每一次坐起测试时,运用数码摄像机,按照受试者在测试之前,在盒中随机抽到的乒乓球所代表的坐起动作,依次录像,并记录下本次动作,与肌电对应起来;摄像机摆放位置,受试者3米远的位置,摄像机的拍摄频率为50Hz;在采集股内外侧肌表面肌电信号的同时,采用摄像机对动作录像同时进行的方法,在受试者旁边放置一个发光手电筒,开启或关闭股内外侧肌的EMG信号时,发光手电筒会同时开启或关闭。六种坐起时的双脚姿态:双脚之间1倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为0°;双脚之间1倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为外展60°;双脚之间1倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为内扣60°;双脚之间1.5倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为0°;双脚之间1.5倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为外展60°;双脚之间1.5倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为内扣60°。通过自制的带有角度的平台来进行。在测试过程中,为了控制受试者的运动节奏,在受试者附近放置频率为1次/秒的电子节拍器,要求受试者根据电子节拍器的节奏,有节奏的坐起,受试者自然坐在板凳上,双手抱于胸前,身体放松,测试前在箱子中抽取代表双脚角度的乒乓球,根据随机抽取的双脚角度,起始位上身正直,双眼平视,双脚按节拍匀速站起4s到身体直立。研究结果:双脚之间1倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为0°情况下,股内侧肌VMO与股外侧肌VL肌电值的比值为1.064。双脚之间1倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为外展60°情况下,股内侧肌VMO与股外侧肌VL肌电值的比值为1.032。双脚之间1倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为内扣60°情况下,股内侧肌VMO与股外侧肌VL肌电值的比值为0.9971。双脚之间1.5倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为0°情况下,股内侧肌VMO与股外侧肌VL肌电值的比值为1.04。双脚之间1.5倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为外展60°情况下,股内侧肌VMO与股外侧肌VL肌电值的比值为1.012。双脚之间1.5倍肩宽、双脚之间角度为内扣60°情况下,股内侧肌VMO与股外侧肌VL肌电值的比值为1.083。结论与建议:本文通过对于日常生活中常见的几种坐起姿态,通过表面肌电、运动摄像等系统,对股内外侧肌在六种不同的坐起姿势以及不同膝关节的弯曲角度下的肌电值比值,运动SPSS statistics数据编辑器进行单因素方差分析与独立样本t检验,试图探讨相对不利的坐起姿势,在健康的受试者中,都没有出现显著性差异,P0.05。在日常生活中发展股四头肌力量进行辅助性练习,促进股内侧肌与股外侧肌肉力量的均衡发展,维持膝关节稳定性,动力性动作如蛙跳、跳台阶、后蹬跑、上坡跑、正足背踢足球、正踢腿,静力性工作如马步桩、贴碑桩等,促进股内外侧肌肉均衡发展。在日后的运动生活中,运动负荷的选择要适当,不能超出个人的能力范围,训练方法的选择要根据个人特点有针对性的采用,避免对膝关节施加过多负荷;股四头肌的训练要有持续性,循序渐进,使得膝关节的稳定性不断加强和提高,同时增强髌骨对牵拉力的适应性;
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to study the effect of different postures on the contraction ratio of medial and lateral muscles of femoral artery . In order to control the movement rhythm of a subject , the ratio of VMO to the lateral muscle VL of the femoral lateral muscle was 1.032 when the angle between the two feet was 0 掳 , the angle between the two feet was 60 掳 . To maintain the stability of knee joint , dynamic action such as frog jump , jumping step , back pedal running , running on the upper slope , playing football in the back of foot , kicking leg , static work such as horse - walking pile , pillar - like pile , etc . , promote the balanced development of lateral muscles in the femoral head . In future sports life , the selection of exercise load should be appropriate , it can not exceed the individual ' s ability range , the training method should be continuous and gradual , so that the stability of the knee joint is continuously enhanced and improved , and the adaptability of the patella to the pulling force is enhanced ;
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to study the effect of different postures on the contraction ratio of medial and lateral muscles of femoral artery . In order to control the movement rhythm of a subject , the ratio of VMO to the lateral muscle VL of the femoral lateral muscle was 1.032 when the angle between the two feet was 0 掳 , the angle between the two feet was 60 掳 . To maintain the stability of knee joint , dynamic action such as frog jump , jumping step , back pedal running , running on the upper slope , playing football in the back of foot , kicking leg , static work such as horse - walking pile , pillar - like pile , etc . , promote the balanced development of lateral muscles in the femoral head . In future sports life , the selection of exercise load should be appropriate , it can not exceed the individual ' s ability range , the training method should be continuous and gradual , so that the stability of the knee joint is continuously enhanced and improved , and the adaptability of the patella to the pulling force is enhanced ;
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1 保健时报特约专家 郜志广;武松踢虎能治“司机脚”[N];保健时报;2007年
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1 张学元;坐起时双脚姿态对股四头内外侧肌收缩比影响的研究[D];山东师范大学;2017年