[Abstract]:Competitive sports is the leading sport of our country, and table tennis is a typical advantage of competitive sports in our country, and has long occupied the world table tennis. The long-term prosperity of a project must have its internal reasons, and the selection and supply of reserve talents is the fundamental guarantee for the development of a project. In recent years, there are more and more researches on the reserve talents of table tennis, but most of them focus on the age structure, the type of play, the results of sports, the strength of hardware and software of the base, but less on the athletes' sports motivation, physical training and cultural learning. The multi-dimensional research on the reserve talents can provide the basis for the scientific selection of table tennis players. Through the methods of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logic analysis, this paper aims at the age structure, sports motivation, technical and tactical training dilemma of the athletes in 48 reserve talent bases in China. A multi-dimensional study of physical fitness training and cultural learning. According to the economic and regional factors, 48 reserve talent bases are divided into three parts: east, middle and west. The selection mechanism and development dilemma of China's reserve talents are analyzed in the form of modules. Through research, the following conclusion is drawn: 1. The age structure of table tennis reserve talents in China basically accords with the progressive law of reserve talents, but there are some differences among different regions. The eastern men and the central women are pyramid structure, which is the optimum structure, and the eastern women and the western men have the inverted "U" structure, which accords with the progressive law of the reserve talents. The western women showed obvious fault phenomenon, and there were big problems in the cultivation of competitive ability, and the motivation level of the reserve talents to participate in the table tennis training and competition was better. Technical and tactical aspects are mainly faced with basic skills, physical insufficiency and lack of theoretical knowledge and other problems. In the aspect of physical training, the training plan is insufficient and the athletes' enthusiasm is not high. In terms of training satisfaction, the satisfaction of coaches and teammates is higher, but the satisfaction of sports organizations is relatively low. 3. The diversified development of reserve talents becomes inevitable, cultural quality, theoretical level, cross-bank knowledge demand is obvious. We should actively build a diversified learning platform to promote the comprehensive quality of athletes. The diversified development of reserve talents becomes inevitable, cultural quality, theoretical level, cross-bank knowledge demand is obvious. We should actively build a diversified learning platform to promote the comprehensive quality of athletes.
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