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发布时间:2018-10-17 15:05
[Abstract]:At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Chinese athletes scored 26 gold medals. Athletes in the international competitive sports arena for the country, inspired the patriotic enthusiasm and participation in sports enthusiasm, which also reflects the charm and value of competitive sports. In the research on the cultivation of competitive sports talents, the reflection and criticism on the "national system" and "input-output efficiency" have been mentioned from time to time. As the foundation of competitive sports reserve talents training system, sports schools have the dual attributes of national compulsory education and training competitive sports reserve talents, under the background of market economy and the diversification of the main body of public enterprise management. The deficiency in the traditional mode of running a sports school has aroused widespread concern of the society. It is particularly important to study the innovation of running sports schools. However, in the previous studies, the study of sports schools all focused on sports training or school internal management, but these for the sports school model of macro guidance is not significant. This study will use literature research, comparative analysis and other methods, starting from the elements of the school model, to study the current situation and existing problems of sports schools, the use of multi-center theory of public management, public service theory, The theory of public enterprise management is used to analyze the problems existing in the traditional mode of running sports schools and the causes of the problems, and to draw lessons from the successful experience of foreign competitive sports in the training of talents. It provides the innovation direction for the sports school in our country and provides the countermeasure choice for the sports administrative department. This paper is divided into the following parts: the first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the significance, the present situation and the methods used in the research process. The second part is to explain some concepts and theories related to the subject. The third part is the traditional mode of running sports schools in China and its practical results. It analyzes the constituent elements of the mode of running a school, and analyzes and summarizes the achievements of the traditional mode of running a school. The fourth part is the problems existing in the traditional mode of running sports schools in China. The reasons for the problems are analyzed from the view of multi-center theory, public service theory and public service management theory. The fifth part is the introduction of the foreign sports school running mode and its enlightenment to our country, the sixth part analyzes the necessity of the innovation of the traditional school running mode, from the angle of public administration. This paper puts forward the innovative direction of multi-department cooperative participation and market social force participation from the existing practice, and then expounds the practical measures of sports administrative department from several aspects, such as the transformation of functions, and so on, to perfect and innovate the traditional mode of running a school. Finally, the seventh part is summarized.


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