发布时间:2018-10-18 13:44
【摘要】:基于北京市第3次群众体育调查数据,采用定序logistic回归模型分析了体育锻炼对北京市户籍居民健康自评的影响。研究表明:(1)参加体育锻炼对健康自评有正向影响,然而是否是体育人口与健康自评无显著关系。(2)拆分体育人口的3个要素后发现,体育锻炼的频度对健康自评具有显著作用,从每周锻炼1~2次起,直至增加到每天锻炼2次,健康自评均显著高于每周不足1次的居民,且每天锻炼2次的居民健康自评最好;每次锻炼的时间为0.5~1 h、1~1.5 h的居民健康自评均显著高于0.5 h以下居民,而1.5 h以上锻炼时间的居民与0.5 h以下居民无显著差异;锻炼的主观自评强度与健康自评结果呈负向关系。结果提示,保持每周不少于1~2次的多次锻炼,且每次控制在0.5~1.5 h的小强度锻炼更有益于健康。
[Abstract]:Based on the data of the third mass sports survey in Beijing, the effect of physical exercise on the health self-assessment of residents registered in Beijing was analyzed by using the sequential logistic regression model. The results showed that: (1) participation in physical exercise had a positive effect on health self-assessment, but there was no significant relationship between physical education population and health self-assessment. (2) the frequency of physical exercise had a significant effect on health self-assessment after separating the three elements of physical education population. From 1 to 2 times a week, the health self-assessment was significantly higher than that of the residents less than once a week, and the health self-evaluation of the residents who exercised twice a day was the best. The health self-assessment of the residents whose exercise time was 0.5 ~ 1 h / 1 ~ 1.5 h was significantly higher than that of the residents under 0.5 h, but there was no significant difference between the residents who exercised for more than 1.5 h and the residents less than 0.5 h, and the subjective self-evaluation intensity of exercise had a negative relationship with the health self-assessment results. The results suggest that it is more beneficial to keep the exercise at least 1 / 2 times per week and to exercise at a low intensity of 0.5 h / 1. 5 h / week.
【作者单位】: 河南财经政法大学体育系;福建师范大学体育科学学院;首都体育学院休闲与社会体育学院;
【基金】:北京市属高校科技创新服务能力建设-科技成果转化-提升计划项目(PXM2016_014206_000021)子课题成果 北京市体育局委托项目
[Abstract]:Based on the data of the third mass sports survey in Beijing, the effect of physical exercise on the health self-assessment of residents registered in Beijing was analyzed by using the sequential logistic regression model. The results showed that: (1) participation in physical exercise had a positive effect on health self-assessment, but there was no significant relationship between physical education population and health self-assessment. (2) the frequency of physical exercise had a significant effect on health self-assessment after separating the three elements of physical education population. From 1 to 2 times a week, the health self-assessment was significantly higher than that of the residents less than once a week, and the health self-evaluation of the residents who exercised twice a day was the best. The health self-assessment of the residents whose exercise time was 0.5 ~ 1 h / 1 ~ 1.5 h was significantly higher than that of the residents under 0.5 h, but there was no significant difference between the residents who exercised for more than 1.5 h and the residents less than 0.5 h, and the subjective self-evaluation intensity of exercise had a negative relationship with the health self-assessment results. The results suggest that it is more beneficial to keep the exercise at least 1 / 2 times per week and to exercise at a low intensity of 0.5 h / 1. 5 h / week.
【作者单位】: 河南财经政法大学体育系;福建师范大学体育科学学院;首都体育学院休闲与社会体育学院;
【基金】:北京市属高校科技创新服务能力建设-科技成果转化-提升计划项目(PXM2016_014206_000021)子课题成果 北京市体育局委托项目