[Abstract]:Objective: in order to better compare and study the action structure characteristics and the reaction ability of the outstanding athletes, we can fully understand the technical action mechanism of the cross sweep leg of Thai boxing, and study the characteristics of the action structure of the leash leg and the Thai boxing sweep leg better, and fully understand the technical action mechanism of the Thai boxing cross sweep leg. Take advantage of the method to enrich the training scheme. Methods: using CASIO-EXFH25 high speed camera and surface electromyography tester to collect the original data of the whiplash technique of three outstanding Sanda athletes and three professional Thai boxing athletes, and using the ASAS image analysis system. Synchronous analysis of EMG analysis system. The results were as follows: (1) the mean time of leg retraction was 0.83 卤0.04 (0.95 卤0.05) and 0.69 卤0.08 (0.69 卤0.08) respectively; The peak velocities of hip, knee and ankle joint of 0.64 卤0.04.2 Thai boxing and Sanda athletes were 4.14 卤0.983.57 卤1.05V 7.19 卤1.26, respectively. 6.21 卤1.18 卤12.12 卤1.95 卤10.73 卤2.18.3 right shoulder, right hip rotation angle along Y axis and left foot rotation angle along X axis were 73.89 卤7.12 掳, 54.17 卤6.51 掳, 22.02 卤3.81 掳, respectively. 91.23 卤8.56 掳, 79.47 卤6.88 掳, 39.46 卤4.98 掳. 4 the displacement of target in the three directions of Chinese Sanda athletes' whip leg technique was 7.75 卤0.83 cm ~ (-1) 卤4.67 cm ~ (-1) (26.32 卤2.71 cm), respectively. The average displacement of Thai boxing athletes was 12.98 卤2.18 cm ~ (-1) 47.32 卤5.22 cm ~ (-1) and 34.18 卤3.92cm.5 respectively. The mean value of (EDM) during the first reaction time before (TRT), reaction was 910 卤83 Ms ~ (690 卤73) Ms ~ (63) Ms ~ (637 卤68) Ms ~ (-1) (EDM), respectively, in the first reaction time of Chinese and Thai athletes, and the mean value of (EDM) was 47.32 卤5.22 cm ~ (-1), respectively. The mean values of (EDM) during (PMT), action during the second reaction time before (TRT), were 730 卤69ms, 610 卤59ms, 471 卤49ms, 408 卤41ms, 259 卤27ms, 202 卤19ms, respectively. Conclusion: 1 the cross sweep leg of Thai boxing is the first mobilization of whipping leg and waist abdominal muscle, then the mobilization of supporting leg muscle, the second explosive force of waist and abdomen muscle, and the right rectus femoris muscle and biceps femoris muscle in the time of touching the target. The rectus abdominis has obvious sustained strength. The first thing Sanda players mobilize is that the muscles that support their legs gain higher hip and knee speeds by pedaling and lifting their knees. 2 compared with the lashes, the overall time of the Thai boxing sweeping leg is longer, and the speed of the end link of the whipping moment is higher. The hip joint brake is more reasonable, the knee joint angle of supporting leg is large and the strength of supporting leg is high. The torsion amplitude of the trunk of Thai boxing athletes is larger, the working distance of active muscles is prolonged, and the elastic potential energy of muscles is improved. The stroke effect of Thai boxing athletes is better than that of Sanshou athletes. 3 the ability of central nervous system and muscle movement of Thai boxing athletes is better than that of Sanshou athletes. Under the suitable load condition, the reaction time of the other athletes in the same group showed a downward trend before and after two tests, the EDM showed a certain stability under the suitable load condition, but the PMT decreased obviously.
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