[Abstract]:Based on the theory of cluster behavior, this study analyzed the psychological process of football fans' violent behavior by using the cluster behavior integration model. The results showed that: (1) the questionnaire survey of 354 football fans showed that football fans had distinct collective identity and that the violent behavior of football fans was the result of the interaction of emotion and cognition. This conclusion was consistent with the view of van Zomeron and Thomas; (2) the path formed by collective identity, anger and violent will is the emotional pathway of the psychological process of football fans' violent behavior, and the collective identity; The path of formation of collective efficacy and violent behavior will is the cognitive path of football fans' psychological process of violent behavior, and the two paths play an important role in the psychological process of football fans' violent behavior. (3) for the psychological process of football fans' violent behavior, the social identity theory model (SIMCA) and the social identity sealing model (EMSICA) of cluster behavior have some explanation, but the SIMCA model should be more suitable to have intra-group attraction. The psychological process of football fans with the characteristics of exclusion outside the group.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学体育学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目(14BTY019) 重庆工商大学校内青年博士基金项目
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