[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the effects of vibration stimulation on physiological response and energy expenditure during resistance training. Methods: twenty healthy male college students, aged (20.13 卤2.97) years and (172.38 卤3.32) cm, weight (68.42 卤3.75) kg., were enrolled in this study. After the maximum muscle strength was tested, resistance vibration training (REV,n=20) and resistance training (RE,n=20) were performed respectively. The intensity of vibration stimulation was 30 Hz and the amplitude was 2 mm;. Resistance training content is 70%1RM intensity, 12 repeated times of 3 groups of barbell bending position, three groups of barbell squat lift, between groups rest 3 min. The oxygen uptake (6 VO2) and the respiratory exchange rate (respiratory exchange ratio,RER) of heart rate (HR),) were tested by paired sample analysis of variance (vibration stimulation 脳 time), and whether there was significant difference in energy expenditure between the two periods. If significant, LSD method was used for post-examination. Results: the energy consumption and 6) VO2 of REV during training and convalescence were significantly higher than that of RE, and RER of RE during convalescence was significantly higher than that of REV;. The effect of exercise time on energy consumption and 6) VO2, RE and REV training period was significantly higher than that of convalescent period, while the effect on RER in both groups was greater than that in convalescence period. Conclusion: 6) VO2 of REV was significantly higher than that of RE, and lasted at least 60 min, indicating that the intervention of vibration stimulation could increase energy consumption and EPOC, in recovery phase, while FAT was the main energy expenditure in recovery period.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学体育学博士后流动站;南京森林警察学院警务技战术系;
【基金】:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目资助(编号:LGZD201709) 南京森林警察学院教改项目资助(编号:ZD17101)
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