[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the characteristics of energy expenditure of resistance training and the relationship between energy consumption and related factors by measuring the energy expenditure of single and combined action resistance training for college students. The energy consumption equation of resistance training under different load can be established to guide college students' physical fitness scientifically and reasonably. To provide the recommended amount and evaluation standard of reasonable activities for the application of resistance training in the promotion of college students' group health and the formulation of exercise prescription. Methods: Cosmed K4b2 portable cardiopulmonary tester was used to measure the energy consumption of resistance training in 22 college students. The characteristics of energy consumption and related characteristics are analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) the energy consumption of dumbbell squatting was the highest in the single action resistance training of moderate (strength) load (12RM) and low (strength) load (25RM). The difference was statistically significant compared with other single movement resistance training (P0. There was significant difference in energy consumption between groups during resistance training. The energy consumption of the middle load group reached the highest in the second group (P0.01), and the low load group reached the highest in the fourth group (P0.01), and the energy consumption in the middle load group reached the highest in the second group (P0.01) and the low load group reached the highest level in the fourth group (P0.01). The metabolic equivalent of moderate (strength) load (12RM) and low (strength) load (25RM) single action resistance training was 4. 01-6. 80 METs and 3. 66-6. Between 98 METs. There was a positive correlation between the action energy consumption and the weight of the two loads and the weight of the BMI, degreasing (RV 0. 5%). 686,0. 259,0. 865,0. 675,0. 373,0. The energy consumption was negatively correlated with the percentage of body fat (P 0.01 or P 0.05). 283- 0.212, P0. At the overall level, there was a linear correlation between heart rate and energy consumption and relative oxygen uptake (RP0. 630,0. 634, P0. 01). (2) the metabolic equivalent of resistance training for moderate (strength) load (12RM) and low (strength) load (25RM) was 6. 5% respectively. 53-7. 23 METs and 5. 5. 56-6. Between 24 METs and 24 METs, the metabolic level of the body was still in a high level for a long time after combined movement training. There was a positive linear relationship between energy consumption and body weight in two kinds of load combined action resistance training and BMI, degreasing weight (RP0. 671,0.451,0.814,0.716,0.443,0.867, P0. 01), the energy consumption was negatively correlated with the percentage of body fat (RV-0. 234L -0.341g P0. At the overall level, there was a linear correlation between heart rate and energy consumption and relative oxygen uptake (R0. 0. 538,0.447,0.732,0. 437, P0. 01). (3) using correlation and regression analysis, the energy consumption equations of combined action resistance training with moderate (strength) load (12RM) and low (strength) load (25RM) were established respectively. Medium (strength) load (12RM) combined action resistance training energy consumption equation: EEm (12RM) (Kcal/min) = 0. 108Weight 0. 043HR-0. 018FFM-4. 802 (R2C0. 712) Energy consumption equation: EEm (25RM (Kcal/min) = 0 for low (strength) load (25RM) combined action resistance training. 154FFM 0. 036HR-0. 056 Weight-2. 74 (R2 / 0. 806) the conclusions are as follows: 1. Low (strength) load (25RM) combined action resistance training belongs to medium intensity physical activity, while moderate (12RM) combined action resistance training belongs to high intensity physical activity. Resistance training has a certain effect on resting energy expenditure after exercise. 2. During resistance training, energy consumption is affected by body weight, percentage of body fat, fat-free body weight, BMI and so on. The establishment of linear regression equation can provide scientific basis for daily exercise fitness and resistance training of college students.
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