[Abstract]:Taking the behavior style of individual social adaptation as the observation point and the psychological course of individual social adaptation as the clue, the questionnaire of Social adaptation behavior of College students was used. The psychological quality of social adaptability of 416 physical college students and non-sports college students was investigated. The results showed that: 1) there were significant differences in the psychological quality of social adaptability between physical college students and non-sports college students. The social adaptability of sports college students is obviously better than that of non-sports students. 2) there is no significant difference in social adaptability psychological quality of sports college students in gender and sports achievement level. 3) Social adaptation of sports college students There were significant differences in sexual psychological quality in grade, The mean values of self-esteem autonomy and stress coping in grade four were lower than those in the other three grades. 4) the characteristics of social adaptability of sports college students with different sports items showed that they were open and confident. Self-esteem autonomy is the common characteristic of psychological quality of social adaptability of college students in different sports. The total mean of social adaptability of track and field college students and the average values of three dimensions of open self-confidence, objective reality and situational regulation were significantly higher than those of basketball and gymnastics students. The results of this study provide a more clear and concrete empirical basis for proving the role of physical education in promoting and improving the social adaptability of college students, and have a certain enlightening effect on further improving and improving the level and quality of physical education in schools.
【作者单位】: 北京工商大学体育艺术教学部;
【基金】:北京市社会科学基金(13JYB005) 北京工商大学科研专项资助项目(19008001081)
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