[Abstract]:In order to investigate the present situation of amateur swimming training in the suburbs of Beijing, and to analyze the countermeasures for the development of swimming training in the suburbs of Beijing, this paper adopts the methods of literature, expert interview and questionnaire investigation. From the basic situation of swimming stadiums in the suburbs of Beijing, the basic status of coaches, the basic status of training methods, the basic status of sports achievements, The basic status quo of athletes and the basic status of swimming training market were investigated and analyzed. The investigation found that: 1, through the Tongzhou District, Shunyi District, Daxing District, Changping District, 111 swimming stadiums in five districts of Fangshan District were investigated and found that the number of swimming stadiums in suburb counties of Beijing was small, mainly public and indoor swimming pools. The sex ratio of Yu swimming coaches is more balanced, the age structure is reasonable, the education degree is mainly undergraduate degree and the teaching qualification is primary. Amateur coaches work mainly in 3-5 hours, average monthly income. The women's advantage events of amateur swimmers in the suburb of Beijing mainly focus on short distance freestyle, 100m butterfly and 100m, 200m breaststroke, while men's dominant events are short distance freestyle. The training mode of amateur swimmers is mainly walking training. The training time is between 1-2 hours and the training frequency is 5-6 times a week. The number of amateur athletes who choose breaststroke and freestyle are the most. Amateur swimmers are satisfied with the fees, coaches' professional qualities, teaching methods, teaching hours, teaching environment and training results. It is understood that the main factors influencing the development of amateur swimming training in the suburb of Beijing include economic factor, geographical factor, site resource factor, student source factor, project layout, quality and quantity of coaches, etc. Aiming at the factors that affect amateur swimming training in the suburbs of Beijing, the author puts forward a flexible policy to promote the development of amateur swimming based on the development of regional economic strength. Constructing diversified financing channels and increasing fund input support; strengthening the scientific training guarantee conditions for swimming athletes in the suburbs of Beijing; cooperating with schools and paying attention to the training of talents in swimming events; To consolidate the superiority items, to improve the overall development of competitive swimming, to strengthen the training of coaches, to improve the quality and ability of coaches and other development ideas.
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