[Abstract]:As a high level three to three basketball league in our country, the three to three basketball league of college students in our country has important political value, cultural value and social value for its smooth development and vigorous and healthy development. Economic value and competitive value. This thesis takes the management system of college students' three-to-three basketball league matches as the research object, and according to the actual situation of the macro-environment of the university three-to-three basketball development in our country. Under the guidance of the mainstream value orientation of the three to three basketball league matches of college students in our country, this paper actively studies and analyzes the competition management system of the three pairs three basketball league matches of our country's college students. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Under the indirect influence of the external political environment, economic environment, social environment, technical environment, legal environment, sports management system and the evaluation orientation of mainstream sports value of college students in China, Through mutual negotiation and compromise, the university students' sports association, the league competition district committee and the participating universities have finally formed the value orientation of three pairs of three basketball leagues of our country's college students, which is the pursuit of political value. The pursuit of cultural value, the pursuit of social value, the pursuit of competitive value, the pursuit of economic value. Under the guidance of the mainstream value orientation of the three-to-three basketball league of college students in our country, through the management system of the three-to-three basketball league competition management system, the system of competition, the qualification of the athletes, and the method of participating in the competition, The operation mode of the league and the relationship between the responsibility and power of the major sports association and the sponsors are analyzed and studied, which provides theoretical support for the establishment of the three-to-three basketball league of college students like the (CUBA) of the Chinese University Basketball League. The function of the three to three basketball league competition management system of college students in our country is to arrange the league competition management work to the corresponding organization departments, and at the same time, to clarify the relationship between the various departments. Define and divide the responsibility and authority of each organization department, and ensure the competition management work to be completed as required by the established management system and operation mechanism. In short, the function of our college students' three to three basketball league competition management system is to ensure that the league competition management can be accomplished as required. 4. 4. On the basis of the real macro environment of our country, through scientific and democratic decision-making, the long-term development goal of the management system of college students' three-to-three basketball league matches is established. The goals are: national legislative management, government guidance, and so on. The university sports association supervises, represents the participation university overall benefit the university student three to three basketball league committee concrete management, the participation university concrete undertakes the competition management system.
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