[Abstract]:The technical optimization of shot-put players can improve the performance of shot-put competition. In the optimization of throwing target technique, athletes' upper limb throwing training should be the main factor, and the influence degree of upper limb special training on throwing target training should be calculated. The synergetic effect of shoulder muscle group in the process of pushing shot put was obtained, but the traditional method was optimized by analyzing the relationship between the training of upper limb throwing and the performance of shot put athletes. However, it can not obtain the specific cooperative effect index of the shoulder muscle group in the process of "pushing" shot put, which reduces the effect of technical optimization. This paper presents an optimization model of throwing target technique for shot put athletes based on grey correlation analysis. The above model is integrated into grey relational analysis theory to obtain the initial value image of the two factors influencing the performance of shot put athletes and the specific strength of the upper limb and the training of the specific speed strength of the upper limb. The correlation coefficient between upper limb absolute strength training and athletes' performance was calculated, and the correlation degree between the influence factors of upper extremity absolute strength training and athletes' performance was obtained, and the interaction between upper limb muscle tissue and support system was obtained. The influence of the working intensity of the upper limb muscle on the athletes' performance was calculated, and the strength of the muscle group in the process of "plucking" and "pushing" the shot put during the training process of the upper limb throwing was gradually increased, and the influence of the strength of the upper limb muscle on the performance of the upper limb muscle was calculated. The synergetic effect index of the shoulder muscle group in the process of "pushing" the shot put was obtained, and the optimization model of the throwing target technique of the shot put was set up. The simulation results show that the proposed model can accurately optimize the throwing target of shot put players.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古医科大学体育部;
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