[Abstract]:Badminton belongs to the skill-dominated inter-net confrontation project, in which athletes play a dominant role in skill play. At the same time, athletes also need to have high sensitivity, rapid strength and good flexibility. This quality can assist the technical level of athletes in the competition, so that the athletes are in an active position. At present, badminton teams all over the world attach great importance to the physical fitness of badminton players. With the development of physical training and the renewal of theory, our country has also introduced advanced methods and means, and functional training is now a hot research topic. But there is little research on the functional training of children and adolescents in our country. This article mainly explores through the FMS test, understands the child youth badminton player asymmetry and the limitation, discovers the dangerous movement pattern, formulates the function training plan, corrects the training plan, carries on the training to the body weak link, Look at the impact of the training plan on the speed and explosive quality of child and adolescent badminton players. Through the methods of literature, logic analysis, mathematical statistics and experiment, this paper takes the children and youth badminton players in Hefei Branch of Yiyang Badminton Sports School as the experimental object, through 12-week training and experiment. Through the FMS test, this paper designs a set of functional training program for children and youth badminton players. Through the training of the program, the influence of the program training on the speed and explosive power of children and adolescents badminton is explored, and the following conclusions are drawn: 1, Through the FMS test to understand the asymmetry and limitation of the physical quality of the child and adolescent badminton players, a set of functional training programs for the child and adolescent badminton players is designed. Through the FMS test, to understand the current situation of child and adolescent badminton players, to analyze and evaluate the scores of the FMS test, to design a functional training program. 2, through twelve weeks of functional training, significantly improved the FMS test score, Effectively eliminates the risk of child and adolescent badminton players, reducing the risk of potential injuries. By means of paired T-test before and after the experiment, the results showed that there was a very significant difference in the scores of the FMS test before and after the experiment, indicating that the designed functional training program was effective. 3, through the 12-week functional training, It effectively improves the fast moving ability and explosive power of the child and adolescent badminton players. After the experiment, the children and teenagers badminton players' jumping rope, sit-ups, standing long jumps, and running at four points. There is a very significant difference in badminton throw. The results of paired T-test before and after the experiment have been improved significantly.
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