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发布时间:2019-04-13 13:53
[Abstract]:Using the methods of literature, experiment and video analysis, this paper makes a crouching test of the national athletes and first-level athletes (6 each) in the freestyle event of the Shanghai Swimming team. From the point of view of kinematics and dynamics, the characteristics of the whole swimming technique are revealed, and the differences are compared and analyzed to provide help for the coaches to improve the athletes' starting technique in the future, and to determine the target for the training. At the same time, the correlation between the team members' 15m starting performance and the related indexes of the starting technology is discussed, and the relevant indexes are found to make the coaches guide the starting technical training more pertinently. For Shanghai Swimming team in the future to improve the performance to provide a certain reference standard. The results obtained in this paper are as follows: 1. The preparatory posture of the first-class athletes of Shanghai Swimming team is lower than that of the healthy athletes, and the angle of the rear knee joint is smaller, which causes the rotation angle to be larger when the swimmers leave the departure platform, which is not conducive to breaking the balance of the body. In addition, the reaction time is slower than that of the good athletes, and there is a difference. 2, the athletes in the stage of departure include three stages of force, in turn, the reaction time-the moment of hand leaving the stage, in turn, is the reaction time-the moment of hand leaving the platform, in addition, the reaction time is slower than that of the athlete. Hands off the platform-hind legs away from the platform, hind legs from the platform-front legs away from the platform, through the analysis of the Shanghai Swimming team athletes in the reaction time-hand away from the platform with the hand away from the platform-the hind leg away from the stage of the stage is more full than the first-class athletes. The speed of completing the technical action and the speed of leaving the platform are different. 3, there is no significant difference between the first-class swimmers in Shanghai swimming team and the athletes in flying posture and entering position, but the time of entering water is different from the speed of entering water level. 4, the speed of entering water is different from that of athletes in the first-class swimming team in Shanghai. Shanghai swimming team athletes in the underwater glide stage than the first-class athletes, the speed of swimming faster, swimming in a longer distance, more times to hit the leg, there is a difference. 5, Compared with the first-class athletes, the athletes of Shanghai Swimming team have a longer distance and a longer time to get out of the water. 6, the stage of leaving the stage, the stage of entering the water and the stage of underwater gliding of the athletes of the swimming team of Shanghai. There is a high correlation index in the effluent stage, in which the departure stage and the underwater stage have the greatest influence, and the departure stage affects the inlet water, and the underwater sliding stage affects the effluent. Therefore, the Shanghai Swimming team should focus on these two stages of training in the future. 7. 7. In the time of departure from Taiwan, the horizontal speed of departure from Taiwan and the diameter of the inlet still have a gap between the athletes of the Shanghai swimming team and the world's outstanding swimmers, and there is still a need for further improvement. Close to the world level.


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