[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the fusion mechanism of sports industry and tourism industry from the internal demand and external motive force by means of literature and other research methods. The main conclusions are as follows: under the background of global economic integration, the rapid development of social productive forces and the enhancement of industrial structure have promoted the integration of sports industry and tourism industry. As a new mode of industrial evolution, the integration of sports industry and tourism industry is an economic phenomenon under the action of multi-dimensional factors, in which the further development of social division of labor, the saving of transaction costs and the reduction of resource dependence, Pursuing scope economy is the intrinsic demand factor of the integration of the two industries, while policy, market, technology and competition cooperation are the external driving forces of the integration of the two industries. In addition, capital demand, cross-border demand and pioneering innovation are also important forces to promote the integration of the two industries.
【作者单位】: 郑州航空工业管理学院工商管理学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目(17BGL041) 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(2017BJJ065)
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