[Abstract]:With the progress of society, the improvement of people's living standard, the social problems such as the life of college students, the stress of study and the pressure of work after graduation, and so on, students have less and less time for physical exercise. Thus causes the student's health condition to become more and more bad, the heart pressure is increasing. According to the national survey of physique and health of students in 2014, the students' physique and health have generally improved. As college students, their good physical quality is the basic guarantee of the socialist construction of our country. If the physical quality of college students is not well guaranteed, then we can't talk about building a powerful country of human resources. Therefore, this article mainly studies the influence of badminton elective course on healthy physical fitness of college students. This article mainly uses the literature material method, the experiment measure method, the mathematical statistics method, the contrast analysis method and so on the method to carry on the research, mainly aimed at the badminton elective course training to carry on the experiment teaching research to the university student health fitness ability influence. The results were as follows: (1) after 36 class hours of badminton elective training for 4 months, there was no significant change in height and weight loss in the physical morphology test of the subjects; Body mass index (BMI) is a morphological index derived from height and weight to evaluate a person's physical health, so the body mass index (BMI) decreases due to the influence of body height and weight. In the aspect of waist-to-hip ratio, the waist-to-hip ratio of boys was kept within the healthy range, while the waist-hip ratio of girls was decreased. (2) the heart rate measured by both boys and girls in quietness was decreased among the subjects' cardio-pulmonary endurance. The vital capacity measured at the end of the experiment was higher than that measured before the experiment. (3) among the test indexes of flexibility and fitness of the subjects, the flexion index of sitting body measured by both male and female students was significantly higher than that measured before the experiment. Moreover, the increase in the forward flexion of the sitting position of the female students was greater than that of the male students, the main factor being that there were different physiological differences between the male and the female students. (4) after four months of elective training in badminton for 36 class hours, the main factor was that there were different physiological differences between the male and the female students. In terms of muscle strength, the left and right hand grip strength of both boys and girls were significantly improved, and the right hand grip strength of boys and girls was significantly higher than that of the left hand grip. The right hand grip strength of girls was significantly higher than that of boys' right hand grip. Both boys and girls have significantly improved their standing long jump. In muscle endurance, girls' one-minute sit-ups and boys' one-minute push-ups improved significantly. Conclusion: badminton can maintain the physique beauty of college students, badminton can promote aerobic ability and cardio-pulmonary endurance function of college students, and badminton can improve students' aerobic ability and cardio-pulmonary endurance function, and that badminton can maintain physique and physique of college students. Badminton can improve the flexibility of college students and promote the muscle strength and muscle endurance of college students.
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