[Abstract]:The youth is the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, and the great historical task of the revival of the Chinese nation. Therefore, to strengthen the young people's physique and to promote the healthy growth of the young people is a great deal to the future of our country and the nation. The period of the youth is the peak of physical development, the development of the muscle, the development of the bone, the development of the sensitive system and the development of the flexibility of the ligament, and the development of the strength is quite active in this period. The relationship between this period and the goal of the young people to realize the future physical and physical activity and the lifelong physical education is the key stage of the formation of the young people's body-building consciousness and the key stage of the body-building. The early physical exercise of our country is mainly to master the skills and technology, and then to the happy sports, the lifelong physical education, the health first transition. However, most of the young students are not interested in many of the basic sports programs in the school sports, and the participation is very low, which makes them unable to be promoted and developed. It has been popular among young people around the world in the wake of the popular race in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Chinese Wushu Sanda is a kind of special anti-sport sport. In the end of the 1970s, the rapid development of Chinese martial arts has begun to go into the physical education class of the university. Sanda has national characteristics and strong practicability, so it is popular among the students in colleges and universities. The author studies the different effects of two different kinds of skill training on the body of the trainer by the study of the movement and the scattering of the young people, so that the teenagers can better choose one of their more favorite sports. So as to promote and improve the overall level of the mass sports in our country. This study is based on the methods of literature and logic, from the aspects of psychology, pedagogy and so on, to demonstrate the great impact on the physical fitness of the young people. By means of the method of literature and the questionnaire, the influence of the psychological quality of the training persons is studied by means of the method of literature and the questionnaire. The questionnaire method is used to design the psychological quality of the high-level athletes according to the actual needs of the research. The questionnaire is authoritative and comprehensive. The scientific and representative work has carried out the questionnaire survey of the training base of the Hobobo Training Base of the State of China and the whole of the trainers as the research object. In addition, a questionnaire on the mode of communication is specially designed for the better study of the cultural background. At the same time, using the experimental research method,20 male training novices with no significant difference in physical fitness are selected from the training course of the Hobobo Training Base of the City of Chenzhou and the training courses, and the 20 positions are the experimental objects, and the power quality, the speed quality, the endurance quality and the sensitive quality are obtained. The quality of human nature and the psychological quality are the analysis indexes, and various methods are adopted to test and record the physical quality indexes before and after the training. The experimental time is from July 2015 to December 2015. Through the comparative analysis of the data before and after the experiment, this paper finds out the difference between the influence of the two sports items in the above-mentioned quality, and the difference between the training methods and the requirements. In order to select the best sport for more young people. After the analysis of various indexes and questionnaire of the experimental subjects, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) As one of the traditional cultural treasures of China, it has not been paid much attention and popularization in our country. China's popularity is far higher in China than in the fight. Therefore, we should improve people's understanding of the movement. (2) There is a great effect on the psychological quality of the young people, whether in the sport or in the boxing, so it will be of great benefit to improve the physical fitness of the young people in a comprehensive way. (3) There is a difference in the various indexes of the quality of the youth's social body by the boxing and the spanda: the demand for endurance and sensitive quality is higher for the movement of the boxing and boxing, and the demand for the strength, the speed and the flexibility is higher than that of the boxing ring. At the same time, there is no significant difference in the effect of the two on the quality of endurance and speed. (4) The research is of great reference value to the athletes who want to improve their physical fitness through a certain sport.
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