[Abstract]:One of the main characteristics of hip-hop is to coordinate the uncoordinated movements in their own way. The coordination shown in the disharmony, at the same time reflects the strength, coordination, speed, flexibility, the connection between each action and each action, all have the above conditions. Its control characteristic is to use the muscle tension and relaxation to produce the vibration and freeze of the body, and to improve the control ability of the small muscle group. Music can inspire dancers to dance and act as a reminder of movements. As an important part of Wushu sports quality, coordination ability and control ability play a key role in sports ability, especially for Wushu, which is a kind of difficult and beautiful sport. In martial arts performance, because the movement is more complex, martial arts will not be able to reflect its own charm, but if the elements of music can be added, music to assist the performance of martial arts, then martial arts will have a better form of performance. There is an inevitable relationship between music and martial arts. In the actual martial arts performance, we can use the rhythm of music to control the rhythm and appearance of martial arts, so that the routine of martial arts performance becomes more cultural and artistic. Purpose: at present, Chinese martial arts athletes are lack of stylized artistic expression and the use and understanding of music. In view of this situation, 42 martial arts second-class athletes in different grades of our school are investigated. This paper makes a teaching practice of hip-hop and martial arts, and makes further practice and analysis from the aspects of coordination, control, artistic expression and music understanding. Research methods: by using the method of literature, questionnaire and comprehensive analysis, combined with the elements and technical requirements of hip-hop dance and martial arts, to find out the commonness of the two, and to analyze the feasibility of this practice in theory. This paper makes a theoretical analysis of the results of this practice, in order to find more ways to improve the coordination ability, control ability and artistic expression ability of martial arts athletes, hoping to make a little contribution to the development of Chinese martial arts athletes. Research results: through practical training, this paper draws a preliminary conclusion that the elements of hip-hop dance have a positive impact on martial arts, and can improve athletes' interest in learning and training mentality, mainly manifested in coordination ability, control ability and artistic expression. Conclusion: to correctly understand the external performance of hip-hop dance coordination ability, in the process of martial arts routine training, grasp the inherent essential characteristics of martial arts routine sports, take the cultivation of coordination ability as a breakthrough, pay attention to internal and external double repair. The function of music is not only to give athletes better performance, but also to improve the quality of athletes in all aspects. Music can also have beautiful melodies and exciting martial arts in martial arts, and it can also cultivate rhythm in music. Rhythm and aesthetics can stimulate the understanding ability of athletes, stimulate the emotion of athletes, make athletes have more imagination space, and inject new vitality and life into martial arts performance.
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