发布时间:2018-06-02 13:48
本文选题:高职学生 + 16PF ; 参考:《山西医科大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的随着高职教育的快速发展,高职院校的规模和在校人数日益增加。然而,与大学生相比,高职生这一特殊群体的心理健康状况却没有引起足够的重视,研究较少。本研究旨在厘清当代高职生人格现状特征,并分析性别、单亲、独生子女、城乡、贫困等因素对人格因子的影响,为探索和创新高职生人格培养路径,构建全方位、多渠道的人格培养机制提供科学依据。 方法①采用16PF量表对某职业技术学院一年级学生进行人格测查,将各项人格因子评分与全国大学生常模对比分析。②在高职生中按男女、单亲与否、独身子女与否、城乡和贫困与否分别分组,进行人格因子间的比较。 结果本次测试发出问卷952份,回收有效问卷914份,有效率为96.01%。①高职生16PF标准分的总体均值都处于正常范围(3Z8),与全国大学生常模相比较,乐群性(t=8.085P0.01)、敏感性(t=11.948 P0.01)、忧虑性(t=19.514 P0.01)、紧张性(t=11.470 P0.01)4个因素得分较高;聪慧性(t=-19.279 P0.01)、稳定性(t=-15.924 P0.01)、持强性(t=-47.994P0.01)、有恒性(t=-12.877 P0.01)、怀疑性(t=-15.069 P0.01)、幻想性(t=-9.161 P0.01)、世故性(t=-16.140 P0.01)、实验性(t=-28.202 P0.01)、独立性(t=-21.023 P0.01)、自律性(t=-11.337 P0.01)10个因素得分较低:兴奋性和敢为性2个因素得分与全国常模无显著差异。②高职男生与高职女生比较显示:高职男生在乐群性(t=9.130 P0.01)、聪慧性(t=4.760 P0.01)、稳定性(t=3.482 P0.01)、持强性(t=6.473 P0.01)4个因素得分较高;高职女生在敏感性(t=-6.087 P0.01)、怀疑性(t=-2.416 P0.01)、幻想性(t=-2.046 P0.05)忧虑性(t=-4.033 P0.01)4个因素得分较高,在其余各因子上的差异无统计学意义。8项次级因素比较:高职男生在感情用事与安详机警型(t=8.381 P0.01)、怯懦与果断型(t=2.874 P0.01)得分高于女生,在适应与焦虑型(t=-2.314 P0.05)得分低于女生,而其他方面比较无统计学意义。③单亲与非单亲高职生的比较显示单亲高职生在敏感性(t=4.458 P0.01)、怀疑性(t=5.892 P0.01)、忧虑性(t=2.165P0.05)、独立性(t=2.340 P0.05)、紧张性(t=2.442 P0.05)5个因子得分高于非单亲高职生;在乐群性(t=-2.727 P0.01)因子得分低于非单亲高职生,在其余各因子上的差异无统计学意义。8项次级因素比较:单亲高职生在适应与焦虑型(t=3.186 P0.01)得分较高;在心理健康(t=-2.350 P0.05)方面得分较低,其他方面比较无统计学意义。④独身子女与非独身子女高职生比较显示,各人格因子间无显著差异。⑤来自城市的高职生与来自农村的高职生比较显示:来自城市的高职生在乐群性(t=4.153 P0.01)、持强性(t=3.538 P0.01)、敢为性(t=2.498 P0.05)3个因子得分高于来自农村的高职生;来自农村的高职生则在有恒性(t=-2.449 P0.05)、敏感性(t=-3.851 P0.01)、忧虑性(t=-7.207 P0.01)、独立性(t=-3.880 P0.01)4个因子得分高于来自城市的高职生,在其余各因子上的差异无统计学意义。8种次级人格特征比较:来自农村的高职生在创造能力(t=2.565 P0.01)和新环境成长能力(t=5.331 P0.01)得分低于来自城市的高职生,其他方面比较无统计学意义。⑥贫困与非贫困高职生的比较显示:贫困高职生在有恒性(t=4.305 P0.01)、忧虑性(t=3.216 P0.01)独立性(t=2.418 P0.05)3个因子得分高于非贫困高职生;在兴奋性(t=-2.186 P0.05)、敢为性(t=-2.111 P0.05)、幻想性(t=-2.603 P0.01)3因子得分低于来非贫困高职生,其余各因子上的差异无统计学意义。8项次级因素比较:贫困高职生在内向与外向型(t=-3.709 P0.01)得分偏低;在新环境成长能力(t=2.677 P0.01)方而得分偏高,而其他方面比较无统计学意义。 结论①高职生总体人格与心理健康状况良好,聪慧性、稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、怀疑性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性、实验性、独立性、自律性12个因子得分低于全国常模,在乐群性、敏感性、忧虑性、紧张性4个因子得分高于全国常模。②男女、单亲、城市农村、贫困因素对个体人格因子有重要的影响,未发现独身子女因素对人格因子的明显影响。开展高职生心理健康教育和健全人格培养时应注意因人而异,有所侧重,对高职生健全人格的教育和培养刻不容缓。
[Abstract]:Objective with the rapid development of higher vocational education, the scale and number of colleges in higher vocational colleges are increasing. However, compared with college students, the psychological health of this special group has not been paid enough attention to, and the research is less. This study aims to clarify the current characteristics of the present status of the students in higher vocational colleges, and to analyze the gender, single parent and only child, The influence of urban and rural, poverty and other factors on personality factors provides a scientific basis for exploring and innovating the training path of higher vocational college students, Gou Jianquan's orientation and multi-channel personality cultivation mechanism.
Methods (1) a 16PF scale was used to investigate the personality of a freshman in a Career Technical College, and the scores of personality factors were compared with the national norm of the national college students.
Results 952 questionnaires were sent out and 914 valid questionnaires were collected. The total average of the 16PF standard of 96.01%. (1) was in the normal range (3Z8), compared with the National College Students' norm, t=8.085P0.01, t=11.948 P0.01, t=19.514 P0.01, and t=11.470 P0.01 (t=11.470 P0.01). Higher; t=-19.279 P0.01, t=-15.924 P0.01, t=-47.994P0.01, t=-12.877 P0.01, t=-15.069 P0.01, fantasy (t=-9.161 P0.01), sophistication (t=-16.140), independence, autonomy, and self-discipline are lower in score. There are no significant differences in the scores of 2 factors of excitability and dares to sex. (2) higher vocational boys and higher vocational girls show that higher vocational boys have higher scores in t=9.130 P0.01, t=4.760 P0.01, t=3.482 P0.01, t=6.473 P0.01, and higher vocational girls in sensitivity (t=-6.087 P0.01). T=-2.416 P0.01, the 4 factors of t=-4.033 P0.01 (t=-4.033 P0.01) have higher scores, and there is no statistically significant difference in the remaining factors of.8 sub factors: Higher Vocational boys are higher in sentiment and serene alert (t=8.381 P0.01), cowardice and decisive (t=2.874 P0.01) higher than girls, in adaptation and focus. The score of t=-2.314 P0.05 was lower than that of the girls, but there was no statistical significance in other aspects. (3) the comparison between single parent and non single parent showed that single parent higher vocational students were in sensitivity (t=4.458 P0.01), suspected (t=5.892 P0.01), anxiety (t=2.165P0.05), independence (t =2.340 P0.05), and tension (t=2.442 P0.05) were higher than those of non single parent. Higher vocational students; the score of t=-2.727 P0.01 factor is lower than that of non single parent vocational college students, and there is no significant difference in the other factors on the other factors:.8 secondary factors have higher score in adaptive and anxiety type (t=3.186 P0.01), lower in psychological health (t=-2.350 P0.05), and no statistics in other aspects. The comparison between the single child and the non single child showed that there was no significant difference between the personality factors. (5) the higher vocational students from the city and the higher vocational students from the rural areas showed that the higher vocational students from the cities were in t=4.153 P0.01, t=3.538 P0.01, and the 3 factors of t=2.498 P0.05 were higher than those from farmers. The higher vocational students from the village; the higher vocational students from the rural areas have the t=-2.449 P0.05, t=-3.851 P0.01, t=-7.207 P0.01, and the independence (t=-3.880 P0.01) of higher vocational students than the higher vocational students from the cities. There is no statistically significant difference in the secondary personality characteristics of the other factors: the higher vocational school from the rural areas. The score of t=2.565 P0.01 and t=5.331 P0.01 was lower than that of the higher vocational students from the city. 6. The comparison between the poor and the non poor higher vocational students showed that the poor higher vocational students were in the t=4.305 P0.01, and the anxiety (t=3.216 P0.01) independence (t=2.418 P0.05) was 3 factors. The score is higher than that of non poor higher vocational students; in t=-2.186 P0.05, t=-2.111 P0.05, and t=-2.603 P0.01, the score of 3 factors is lower than that of non poor vocational college students, and the difference of the other factors is not statistically significant.8 secondary factors: the poor higher vocational students have a lower score in the introversion and extrovert (t=-3.709 P0.01); in the new ring. T=2.677 P0.01 score was higher while others were not statistically significant.
Conclusion (1) the overall personality and mental health of higher vocational students is good, intelligence, stability, bulness, excitement, constancy, suspicion, fantasy, sophistication, anxiety, experimentation, independence and self-discipline are lower than the national norm, and the scores of 4 factors are higher than the national norm in the group, sensitivity, anxiety and tension. 2. Men and women, single parents, urban rural areas, poverty factors have an important impact on individual personality factors, and there is no obvious influence on the personality factors of the single child factor. It is necessary to pay attention to the psychological health education and sound personality training of higher vocational students and to pay more attention to the education and cultivation of the sound personality of higher vocational students.
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