发布时间:2018-09-19 13:16
【摘要】:大学生普遍面临着来自学习、就业、人际关系、生活、恋爱、经济、社会、家庭、未来、个人(成长,外表,自信)等众多方面的压力,但这一时期的青年人身心发展并未达到完全成熟,面对这些复杂而陌生的新处境和新问题,若不能采取有效的应对方式,不但不能解决问题,严重的还会产生心理障碍或心理疾病。本研究通过对国内外压力应对与智慧的相关研究综述中得出结论:压力应对有其内在的智慧结构。智慧的隐含理论研究是世人头脑中关于智慧是什么的观念或看法,它是关于智慧这一构念社会效度的探究。探讨智慧不应脱离其所发生的日常生活之真实情境,将智慧的研究放在具体情境中进行是本研究的创新之一。 本研究采用隐含理论的方法学框架,探察在校大学生对于当今中国大学校园压力的应对方式的智慧隐含理论维度结构。研究分为三个部分,第一部分,进行预调查,收集大学生有关压力应对方式智慧的描述语,并按照一定标准对其进行筛选,以供后继研究进一步分析;第二部分是对智慧相关描述语进行因素分析,从量化研究角度进一步探究压力应对的智慧构念的更为精确的理论模型。第三部分采用方差分析方法分析不同性别、年龄的大学生在压力应对的智慧隐含理论的不同侧面上的差异。 通过预调查共搜集32条大学生压力应对的智慧描述语,描述性统计分析结果显示,这32项的平均分均大于5,说明在大学生群体中应对压力时,这些智慧行为和特质均较重要。 因素分析去除了8条在多个维度上负荷过大或过小的因子,最后剩下将24条符合因素分析条件的智慧描述语再进行探索性因素分析将这24个因子分为了六个维度,采用专家评定法将这六个智慧维度最终命名为,“积极的情绪情感类型”、“坚毅稳定的人格特质”、“理性的思维方式”、“灵活的问题解决能力”、“清晰的自我认知”和“良好的人际交往方式”。从这六个因素的理论含义及其所包含的具体描述语的内容可知,大学生压力应对的智慧包含了情绪、人格、智能、自我概念、人际交往等多种心理维度,这与前文综述中所述的大多数智慧研究结论是一致的,即智能虽然是智慧的基础,但大学生压力应对智慧是一个超越了智力的概念,它涉及了认知、情感和意志等心理过程的整合。 根据本研究的结论,最后提出建议,即在大学生群体中,从良好应对方式中总结出来的具有相对普适性的认知和行为上的具体的生活智慧是可以加以学习和推广的,高校心理健康教育今后可以在情绪管理、自我认知等方面进行加强。
[Abstract]:College students generally face pressure from many aspects, such as study, employment, interpersonal relationships, life, love, economy, society, family, future, personal (growth, appearance, self-confidence) and so on. However, the physical and mental development of young people during this period has not reached full maturity. In the face of these complex and unfamiliar new situations and new problems, it is not only impossible to solve the problems but also to adopt effective ways of dealing with them, Serious can also produce psychological disorder or mental illness. In this study, we conclude that stress coping has its own internal intelligence structure through a review of domestic and foreign studies on stress coping and intelligence. The study of the hidden theory of wisdom is the idea or view of what wisdom is in the minds of the world, and it is an inquiry into the social validity of wisdom. It is one of the innovations of this study to explore the wisdom should not be divorced from the real situation of daily life. This study uses the methodological framework of implicit theory to explore the implicit theoretical dimension structure of college students' wisdom in coping with the stress on Chinese universities. The study is divided into three parts. The first part is to carry out a pre-survey to collect the descriptive words about the coping style wisdom of college students and to screen them according to certain criteria for further analysis. The second part is to analyze the factors of intelligence related descriptors and further explore the more accurate theoretical model of the wisdom construction of stress coping from the perspective of quantitative research. In the third part, variance analysis was used to analyze the differences between different gender and age college students in different aspects of the implicit theory of coping with stress. A total of 32 intelligence descriptors of college students' stress coping were collected by pre-survey. The results of descriptive statistical analysis showed that the average scores of these 32 items were higher than 5, which indicated that these intelligence behaviors and traits were more important in coping with stress among college students. Factor analysis removed 8 factors that were overloaded or too small in multiple dimensions. At last, 24 intelligent descriptors that met the criteria of factor analysis were divided into six dimensions by exploratory factor analysis. The six dimensions of wisdom were finally named "positive emotional types", "steadfast and stable personality traits", "rational way of thinking", "flexible problem-solving ability" by using expert evaluation method. Clear self-recognition and good interpersonal skills. From the theoretical meaning of these six factors and the content of the description, we can see that the wisdom of college students' stress coping includes many psychological dimensions, such as emotion, personality, intelligence, self-concept, interpersonal communication, etc. This is consistent with most of the wisdom studies mentioned in the previous review, that is, although intelligence is the basis of wisdom, college students' stress coping wisdom is a concept that transcends intelligence and involves cognition. The integration of psychological processes such as emotion and will. According to the conclusion of this study, the paper puts forward some suggestions, that is, among the college students, the cognitive and behavioral wisdom with relative universality can be learned and popularized from the good coping style. Mental health education in colleges and universities can be strengthened in emotional management and self-cognition.
[Abstract]:College students generally face pressure from many aspects, such as study, employment, interpersonal relationships, life, love, economy, society, family, future, personal (growth, appearance, self-confidence) and so on. However, the physical and mental development of young people during this period has not reached full maturity. In the face of these complex and unfamiliar new situations and new problems, it is not only impossible to solve the problems but also to adopt effective ways of dealing with them, Serious can also produce psychological disorder or mental illness. In this study, we conclude that stress coping has its own internal intelligence structure through a review of domestic and foreign studies on stress coping and intelligence. The study of the hidden theory of wisdom is the idea or view of what wisdom is in the minds of the world, and it is an inquiry into the social validity of wisdom. It is one of the innovations of this study to explore the wisdom should not be divorced from the real situation of daily life. This study uses the methodological framework of implicit theory to explore the implicit theoretical dimension structure of college students' wisdom in coping with the stress on Chinese universities. The study is divided into three parts. The first part is to carry out a pre-survey to collect the descriptive words about the coping style wisdom of college students and to screen them according to certain criteria for further analysis. The second part is to analyze the factors of intelligence related descriptors and further explore the more accurate theoretical model of the wisdom construction of stress coping from the perspective of quantitative research. In the third part, variance analysis was used to analyze the differences between different gender and age college students in different aspects of the implicit theory of coping with stress. A total of 32 intelligence descriptors of college students' stress coping were collected by pre-survey. The results of descriptive statistical analysis showed that the average scores of these 32 items were higher than 5, which indicated that these intelligence behaviors and traits were more important in coping with stress among college students. Factor analysis removed 8 factors that were overloaded or too small in multiple dimensions. At last, 24 intelligent descriptors that met the criteria of factor analysis were divided into six dimensions by exploratory factor analysis. The six dimensions of wisdom were finally named "positive emotional types", "steadfast and stable personality traits", "rational way of thinking", "flexible problem-solving ability" by using expert evaluation method. Clear self-recognition and good interpersonal skills. From the theoretical meaning of these six factors and the content of the description, we can see that the wisdom of college students' stress coping includes many psychological dimensions, such as emotion, personality, intelligence, self-concept, interpersonal communication, etc. This is consistent with most of the wisdom studies mentioned in the previous review, that is, although intelligence is the basis of wisdom, college students' stress coping wisdom is a concept that transcends intelligence and involves cognition. The integration of psychological processes such as emotion and will. According to the conclusion of this study, the paper puts forward some suggestions, that is, among the college students, the cognitive and behavioral wisdom with relative universality can be learned and popularized from the good coping style. Mental health education in colleges and universities can be strengthened in emotional management and self-cognition.
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