[Abstract]:Higher vocational colleges train advanced technical applied talents, which must meet the requirements of the international and domestic talent market in the new century, which requires higher vocational students to have higher psychological quality to meet the fierce market competition and challenges in the new century. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the mental health education of higher vocational college students. This study mainly uses the method of investigation and interview to study the mental health education of students at the level of 5 colleges and universities with formal education in Guangxi. On the basis of analyzing the related concepts of mental health education, through a certain scale of visit and investigation, this paper understands the present situation and problems of mental health education in higher vocational colleges in Guangxi, and plans mental health education and designs courses in higher vocational colleges. The compilation of teaching materials and other work put forward research suggestions; Based on the experience at home and abroad and the characteristics of Guangxi higher vocational colleges, this paper probes into the countermeasures of mental health education with the characteristics of Guangxi higher vocational colleges. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the proposal of the problem, which discusses the research background, research ideas, related pedagogy, psychology and sociological theoretical basis, and defines the "health" in this paper. Basic concepts such as mental health and mental health education. The second part is the nature of higher vocational colleges and the psychological characteristics of higher vocational students. By analyzing the nature of higher vocational colleges, this paper expounds the necessity of students' mental health education, and reveals the significance of developing mental health in higher vocational colleges by positioning the psychological characteristics of higher vocational college students. The third part is to analyze the present situation and problems of mental health education in higher vocational colleges, and to carry out investigation and research among teachers and students in some higher vocational colleges through questionnaires and individual interviews. The part of student investigation involves the content, form and effect of students' implementation of mental health education, and teachers' understanding of school mental health education activities. The third part also thinks about the mental health education activities of Guangxi higher vocational colleges according to the analysis of the questionnaire and interview results, and finds out the problems and the causes of the problems. The author believes that there are some reasons for the mental health education of students in higher vocational colleges, such as unclear goal, incomplete content, single form, lack of necessary guarantee and low professional level of teachers. The fourth part analyzes the existing problems and causes of mental health education in higher vocational colleges, puts forward the pertinence of strengthening the goal of mental health education in higher vocational colleges, and scientifically constructs the content system of mental health education for higher vocational students. Higher vocational students should learn to identify with higher vocational education, accept themselves, improve the professional level of mental health education of higher vocational teachers and further deepen the countermeasures of developmental health education.
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