发布时间:2018-01-01 04:14
本文关键词:高校学生伏案学习颈部负荷生物力学分析 出处:《中国学校卫生》1997年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The Occhpintis mathematical model was used to analyze the biomechanical load of neck musculoskeletal muscle in 1922 year old college students of Han nationality in China from the viewpoint of ergonomics. The cervical mechanical load of the students in the sitting position increased with the increase of the antegrade angle of the neck. When the cervical anteversion angle was 30 掳, the number of 95% digits of cervical muscle load was 185.95 Newton / NV for male and 138.19 Newton / N for female (30 掳). The upper limit value of cervical anteversion angle should be determined by further investigation and electrophysiological measurement. The study of the upper limit value is of great significance for the design of desk and chair height difference of college students.
【作者单位】: 安徽医科大学卫生系!合肥230032
【正文快照】: 高等学校学生每天伏案学习时间长,若长期处于颈部过度前顾不良姿势,预肌可因负荷过重而出现劳损,引起颈肌紧张综合征.甚至息颈椎病的危险性增高[’·‘]。颈肌的肌负荷与颈前倾角关系虽可通过预肌肌电图描记定性地观察,但定量难度大。本文从生物力学角度分析了我国19~
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