本文关键词:北京市不同类型学校教师控烟相关知识态度行为 出处:《中国学校卫生》2010年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 吸烟戒断 健康知识 态度 实践 对比研究 学生保健服务
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the smoking behavior of teachers in primary and secondary schools in Beijing, the cognition of tobacco harm, the attitude related to tobacco control and the situation of tobacco control, so as to provide the basis for further intervention measures in Beijing urban area. One district and county were selected in each suburb and each district and county. According to the university, middle school, primary school stratification, randomly selected units were investigated. According to the teachers list provided by each investigated school. A total of 743 valid questionnaires were obtained. The current smoking rates of female teachers were 40.9% and 0.2 respectively. There was no significant difference in smoking rates among male teachers in different educational stages. 87.1% reported smoking at work 50.6% reported smoking in front of students and among male university teachers. The awareness rates of smoking / passive smoking and respiratory diseases were higher than that of 80%, while smoking and osteoporosis were known. For most of the knowledge about tobacco hazards, the awareness rate of teachers in universities and middle schools was lower than that in primary school teachers and university teachers. 13.5% did not agree that "teachers should not smoking as an example" or 23.8% did not support "smoking should be banned in all areas of school". The proportion of university teachers to carry out tobacco control work in the past one year was lower than that of primary and secondary school teachers. Conclusion measures should be taken to improve the knowledge level and smoking control attitude of teachers in Beijing, especially university teachers. Reduce the adverse effects of smoking on students.
【作者单位】: 北京市疾病预防控制中心;
【正文快照】: 吸烟是引发多种疾病的行为危险因素[1]。青少年时期是吸烟行为的主要形成期[2],在此时期开展控烟教育是必要且有效的。预防青少年吸烟将有益于其一生的健康,促进青少年健康对国民健康素质的提升具有十分深远的影响。在学校中开展控烟工作是预防青少年吸烟的重要策略。作为学
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