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发布时间:2018-03-30 02:11

  本文选题:教育服务 切入点:均衡 出处:《湖南师范大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:我们正在经历以经济改革为先导的社会转型。全面的社会转型包括经济转轨和宪政转轨,从而必然导致公共事物治道的变革。1949年以来,我们经历了从落后的市场经济向中央计划经济转轨,又从计划经济向完善的市场经济转轨的过程。凡是进行了计划经济实验的国家今天都在经历或者已经走过朝向市场经济的转轨----今天已经很少有人还置疑市场价格体系是现代人类进行资源配置最有效率的机制。市场经济包括竞争的价格体系和相应的惯例、习俗和制度。 教育的特殊性在于在不同的经济和政治体制内,它都是统治合法性的一项凭借:教育组织的产出—教育服务具有一定正外部性特征,因此政府力量都不同程度地卷入教育事务。但是在中央计划经济实验中的免费基础教育和发达市场社会中的免费基础教育是否有相同的目标和提供-生产的制度安排?今天政府为主多主体参与提供教育的改革是不是当年我们曾经过渡的再过渡?我们的教育改革所要达到的目标在哪里?教育改革具有自身的独立逻辑还是总是其他领域改革的附庸?一国最优教育资源如何决定----到底需要多少资源流如教育领域才算足够?通过纳税人融资和私人资本融资分别是什么比例是合意的?二是使用给定的教育资源只有政府提供-政府生产一途吗?是否存在一个从政府控制到市场交易的连续制度安排统一体?这些制度安排共存于同一地区范围的理由是什么?选择不同的制度安排要考虑哪些变量? 在我国,市场取向的改革不到10年就使绝大多数产品和服务由卖方市场变成买方市场。在告别了短缺时代的今天,我们却发现教育服务是老百姓的必需消费品中仍然保持短缺的一种产品(服务)。学校是一个什么组织?为什么由这种组织生产的产品会保持一个长期的短缺?为了解决市场提供教育服务失灵而采取的政府提供和生产这种服务的方式并不象人们预想的那么有效率和富有回应性。教育服务提供一生产的多中心治理是缓解财政困难的无奈选择还是具有效率意义的长久之计? 发达地区教育改革本身就表明了效率假设:非公立学校系统的效 率在当前条件下就有效率上的优势,否则就没有必要改革。那么有没 有一个变化趋势的最优区域,在那个状态下,公立学校系统和非公立 学校系统以相对稳定的比例共存? 全文分为六个部分。首先是对教育服务制度结构的一个简要回 顾,综述关于教育服务的产品特性、政府在教育事务中的作用、教育 服务数量的决定和教育服务提供一生产制度安排的既有研究成果。第 二部分论述作为准公共品的教育服务均衡数量决定;生产教育服务的 组织黑匣子一“学校”性质。第三部分讨论制度变迁的制度经济学分 析框架。作为一个制度变迁案例,中国49年以来教育服务供给的历 史变迁放在这一部分讨论,给出了一个新制度经济学的解释。这一部 分是提出问题和寻找历史证据,为第四部分的理论建构作准备。第四 部分从理论上为寻求一个合意数量和质量的教育服务制度支持,构造 了一个连续的制度安排列模型,得出最优的政府控制系数a的选择依 据。同时对现在己经出现的几种典型的制度安排进行制度绩效的比 较。第五部分是实证部分,,运用4个因变量和6个解释变量分别进 行回归分析,证明一个多样化的制度安排有利于一个地区教育服务产 出的改善的假说。 最后是简短的结语,概括我们面临的两难境地、现实的妥协策略 及其结果,结论是:一个具备演化特征的教育服务提供一生产制度结 构是效率、回应性和公平的可靠解决办法。 需要特别指出的是,本研究的目的不在为政府开拓责任。现代社 会中,大量的教育服务需要政府提供,甚至亲自生产。问题症结在于 政府在行使这种“服务性职能”的时候,没有理由禁止别的组织也提 供/生产这种服务;相反,需要时时刻刻提醒自己是公民社会中一个 同等的提供主体,保持教育服务业内多种制度安排共存的开放态势。 在要素流动自由,交易与契约自由的社会中,一个均衡的教育服务市 场里必定存在提供一生产的多样化制度安排。
[Abstract]:We are experiencing social transformation with economic reform as a leader . All - round social transformation includes economic transition and constitutional transition , which inevitably leads to the change of public affairs . Since 1949 , we have experienced the transition from a backward market economy to a centrally planned economy , and from a planned economy to a perfect market economy . Since 1949 , there are few doubts that the market price system is the most efficient mechanism for modern human resources allocation . The market economy includes the competitive price system and the corresponding convention , custom and system .

The particularity of education lies in the fact that in different economic and political systems , it is the basis of the legitimacy of the rule : the output - education service of the educational organization has certain positive external characteristics , so the government forces are all involved in educational affairs .

In our country , less than a decade of market - oriented reform has transformed the vast majority of products and services from the seller ' s market into a buyer ' s market . Today , we find that education services are a product ( service ) that remains short in the consumer ' s consumer goods . The school is an organization . Why does the product produced by this organization maintain a long - term shortage ? Does the government provide and produce such services in a way that addresses the market ' s failure to provide educational services is not as efficient and responsive as people expect . Education services offer a productive multi - center governance that is a choice for alleviating financial difficulties or a long - lasting basis for efficiency ?

Educational reform in the developed region itself demonstrates the efficiency hypothesis : the effectiveness of non - public school systems

The rate is an effective advantage in current conditions , otherwise there is no need for reform .

In that state , public school systems and non - public schools

Does the school system co - exist in a relatively stable scale ?

The whole text is divided into six parts . First , it is a brief introduction to the structure of educational service system

Gu , the article summarizes the product characteristics of educational service , the role and education of the government in educational affairs

The decision on the quantity of services and the educational service provide the existing research results of a production system arrangement .

Part two deals with the decision of the equilibrium quantity of educational services as quasi - public goods ; and the production of educational services .

The Nature of the " School " of the Organization ' s Black Box ;

An analysis of the framework . As a case of institutional change , China ' s education service has been supplied since 49 years

In this part of the discussion , the history change gives an explanation of the economics of a new system .

The fourth part is to raise questions and find historical evidence to prepare for the theoretical construction of the fourth part .

Part of the theory is to search for a desirable quantity and quality of educational service system support , construction

A continuous system arrangement column model is established to obtain the optimal selection of government control coefficient a .

At the same time , the ratio of system performance to several typical institutional arrangements that have now appeared

The fifth part is the empirical part , which uses 4 dependent variables and 6 explanatory variables respectively .

The line regression analysis proves that a diversified system arrangement is conducive to the production of educational services in a region .

an improved hypothesis .

Finally , a brief conclusion summarizes the dilemma and realistic compromise we face .

As a result , it is concluded that an educational service with evolutionary characteristics provides a system of production .

Fabric is a reliable solution to efficiency , responsiveness and equity .

It should be noted in particular that the purpose of the study is not to open up responsibilities for the Government .

A large number of educational services need to be provided by the government or even personally . The crux of the problem lies in the fact that

When the government exercises such a " service function " , there is no reason to prohibit other organizations from mentioning it

Supply / production of such services ; instead , it takes time to remind yourself that it is one of the civil society

The same kind of main body is provided to maintain the open state of coexistence of various institutional arrangements in the education service industry .

A balanced educational service market in a society where elements flow freely , trade and contract are free

There must be a variety of arrangements for the production of a production in the field .



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