本文选题:教育券 + 教育公平 ; 参考:《教育发展研究》2005年12期
[Abstract]:The "educational voucher" experiment carried out four years ago in Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, mainland China, and the subsequent "Jianli Reform" experiment in other places have made people excited and full of expectations. It is believed that the process of changing the traditional allocation of public education resources in China and causing the reform of the public education financial system has already started. Four years later, the expected changes have not happened. Although there are often reports of "education vouchers", the traditional public education financial system still runs on its original track. What is the problem of the "educational voucher" experiment in China? What is the prospect of "education voucher" in China? This is the answer that everyone who focuses on China's "education voucher" experiment, educational efficiency and equity, and the reform of the public education finance system is eager to understand. This issue, "the multiple perspectives of educational vouchers", organized four articles to provide readers with new clues to analyze the above questions from different perspectives. Of the four articles, three are abbreviations of master's degree papers on the theme of "education vouchers", which provide the case of Changxing, the case of the United States and a new analytical framework on the relationship between "educational voucher" and educational equity. It can be called in recent years to study the issue of "educational vouchers". The other is a special article for this special topic based on the latest research on the national representative "educational voucher" experimental area. It is a commentary on the general situation of the practice of "educational voucher" in mainland China so far. It is helpful for readers to see deeper problems through the concrete experiments of educational voucher. We believe that after reading this series of articles, readers will have a new understanding of the educational voucher practice in mainland China.
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10 邱小健;教育券的新制度经济学分析[J];广州大学学报(社会科学版);2004年05期
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