本文选题:义务教育经费 + 教育经费投入 ; 参考:《教育发展研究》2005年15期
[Abstract]:From 2000 to 2003, the situation of China's educational expenditure has improved significantly: the total amount of educational funds, the financial funds for education, and the budget for education have increased rapidly, which is higher than the annual growth rate during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period. The share of the government financial investment is rising, the government education investment is more inclined to compulsory education, the proportion of the total compulsory education investment is increasing, the growth rate of the budget funds of compulsory education students is higher than that of the non-compulsory education stage; The proportion and gap between compulsory education and the budget allocation of operating expenses for ordinary college students are narrowing, the funds for running schools by social organizations and citizens are increasing rapidly, and the proportion of the total education funds is increasing rapidly. The cost-sharing mechanism of non-compulsory education has promoted the expansion of the scale of high schools and ordinary colleges and universities, and the enrollment rate has increased rapidly. But at the same time, there are also the following problems: the proportion of government funds in the total investment in compulsory education is on the low side; the per capita budget for education funds in the central and western provinces is on the low side, The proportion of public funds allocated by the government to compulsory education in rural areas is seriously on the low side. In 2003, the central and local governments allocated funds for education lower than the growth of regular fiscal revenue, and the proportion of the national financial funds for education in the GDP decreased slightly compared with the previous year. The proportion of education expenditure in the financial budget has decreased compared with the previous year. In this paper, the general situation of the investment in education funds, the composition of the sources of educational funds, the average expenditure of education students at all levels, the three years before the 10th Five-Year Plan of our country and the period of 2000ee2003) are analyzed. The analysis of the average allocation of financial education resources and the regional differences in the per capita budget for education funds. (the data in this paper are all from the Statistical Yearbook of China's Educational Expenditure and the Statistical Yearbook of China-004 > in each year). In recent years, the progress of educational expenditure in China and the problems in it have been revealed. For your reference.
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