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发布时间:2018-03-24 18:17

  本文选题:教学设计 切入点:学前儿童 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化及中西方文化的交融,学前教育与更多的外来因素发生碰撞,比如时下日趋流行的蒙特梭利教学法,它在国外行至百年不衰,最近几年又在国内学前教育界开始了一次蒙特梭利热潮,对国内的传统婴幼儿教育理念形成了冲击,于是学前儿童智能培养的关注度随之提高。但是,综观国内学前教育大环境,学前儿童培养机构发展不平衡:私立幼儿园开设的密度越来越大,提供给学前儿童的教学方法新颖性和选择性也越来越多,使得它们走在学前儿童教育的前沿,与之相比公立幼教机构几十年变化甚微,进步不明显。不少幼儿园的教学更是一种缩微版的小学,虽然这类幼儿园采取与小学靠拢的教学模式迎合了家长希望孩子赢在起跑线上的心理,但是0~6岁的学前儿童具有他们的身心发展特点,过度的读写算不利于其身心平衡发展。所以,探索出更适合学前儿童智能培养及身心发展的教学模式,使其快乐的成长同时顺利接受日后的教育,,具有很重要的意义,这对于国内公立园的课程改革也有一定的启示。 分析现在花样繁多的课程只是对流行教学模式的实例应用,是结合学前儿童身心特点将不同教学资源整合使用的结果,这恰是教学设计重点关注的内容。本研究根据教学设计各类模块的原则和要求,将分析需求、教学内容、教学资源、课程范围设定、知识的顺序、教学目标、教学媒体、教学评价作为理论研究部分的重要依据和框架,同时将认知结构主义学习理论、自主探信息加工论引入,作为本研究核心观点的理论支撑。将认知结构主义的主体性、结构性、动机性、程序性和反馈强化等原则作为教学目标分析及教学对象分析的指导思想;探究式学习体现了以学为中心的思想,使学习者以适合自己特点进行学习,使学习者实现意义上的建构。 在以上理论的基础上提出基于教学设计原理的学前儿童智能培养的教学应用设计,用教学设计的系统观探索对学期儿童智能发展的意义,是教育技术在学前教育方向的理论探索,进而在理论探讨结果的基础上设计出基于教学原理的学前儿童智能培养应用方案,投入到实践中进行检验。 在实践实验阶段,本研究使用了质性研究和量性分析,利用编制反映学前儿童多种智能发展的调查问卷对多种智能的教学活动干预实验的前测后测进行检测,结果表明被测的实验班和控制班表现出显著差异,实验班的学前儿童经过一段时间的教学干预后在8种不同智能上表现出前后的差异,均有提高。
[Abstract]:With the globalization of economy and the blending of Chinese and Western cultures, preschool education collides with more and more foreign factors, such as the Montessori teaching method, which has been going on abroad for a hundred years. In recent years, there has been a Montessori upsurge in the domestic preschool education field, which has impacted the traditional concept of infant education in China, so the attention of pre-school children's intelligence training has increased. However, Looking at the domestic preschool education environment, the development of pre-school child care institutions is not balanced: the density of private kindergartens is increasing, and the teaching methods offered to preschool children are becoming more and more novel and selective. They are at the forefront of preschool education, compared with public institutions that have seen little change in decades and little progress. Many kindergarten teaching is a microform of primary schools. Although this kind of kindergarten adopts a teaching model close to that of primary school, it caters to the psychology of parents who want their children to win at the starting line, but pre-school children of 0 or 6 years of age have their own characteristics of physical and mental development. Excessive reading and writing is not conducive to the balanced development of the body and mind. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore a teaching model that is more suitable for the intellectual development and physical and mental development of preschool children, so that they can grow up happily and receive their future education smoothly. This also has certain enlightenment to the curriculum reform of the public garden in China. The analysis of the present varied curriculum is only an example of the popular teaching model, and it is the result of integrating different teaching resources with the physical and mental characteristics of preschool children. According to the principles and requirements of various modules of instructional design, this study will analyze the requirements, teaching content, teaching resources, curriculum scope, knowledge order, teaching objectives, teaching media, Teaching evaluation, as an important basis and framework of theoretical research, introduces cognitive structuralism learning theory and information processing theory as the theoretical support of the core viewpoints of this study. The principles of motivation, procedure and feedback reinforcement are the guiding ideology of teaching objective analysis and teaching object analysis, and inquiry learning embodies learning-centered thought, which makes learners study with their own characteristics. To enable learners to achieve the meaning of construction. Based on the above theories, this paper puts forward the teaching application design of preschool children's intelligence training based on the principle of instructional design, and explores the significance to the development of children's intelligence in term with the systematic view of teaching design. It is a theoretical exploration of educational technology in the direction of preschool education. Based on the results of theoretical discussion, the application scheme of intelligent training of preschool children based on teaching principle is designed and tested in practice. In the practical experiment stage, qualitative research and quantitative analysis were used to test the pre-test and post-test of multi-intelligence teaching activity intervention experiment by compiling a questionnaire to reflect the multi-intelligence development of preschool children. The results showed that there were significant differences between the experimental class and the control class, and the pre-school children in the experimental class showed significant differences in 8 kinds of intelligence after a period of teaching intervention.


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