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发布时间:2018-05-26 16:26

  本文选题:美国 + 联邦政府 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 百年大计,教育为本。学前教育是教育学制系统的起点,更是教育事业的重要组成部分。学前教育不仅事关个体发展与幸福,更关乎整个国民素质和社会的可持续发展。学前教育是一种公共性强、社会受益面广的准公共产品。政府利用财政经费支持、引导学前教育,规范和管理学前教育是其不可推卸的责任。 我国政府一直积极探索学前教育的改革与发展,但仍然不断面临新的问题与挑战。今年,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》(简称《纲要》)颁布在即,其中对学前教育发展提出明确的理念与目标,可以预见,我国学前教育将在党和政府的大力推动与支持下,实现突飞猛进的发展。当然,《纲要》作为战略纲领性文件,不可能细致规定具体的实现路径,这也是广大学前教育管理与理论工作者的重大历史使命。他山之石,可以攻玉。我们欣喜地看到,作为教育、经济全面发达国家的代表,美国以其20世纪联邦政府干预学前教育的巨大成功堪称政府干预学前教育的典范。 本文运用文献法、历史法、比较法,对20世纪美国联邦政府干预学前教育的历程进行了系统梳理,在分析不同时期社会背景、干预措施的基础上,将20世纪美国联邦政府对学前教育的干预历程分为干预强度不断提升的三个阶段。 第一阶段为20世纪初—50年代末,是联邦政府干预学前教育的初始阶段。这一时期联邦政府通过支持保育学校和公立幼儿园的建立和发展,拨款创建紧急保育学校和拉汉姆法儿童保育中心,实现对学前教育的初步干预。 第二阶段为20世纪六七十年代,是联邦政府干预学前教育从弱变强的阶段。此时期,联邦政府通过实施“开端计划”,为特殊学前教育立法,研发学前教育课程模式,促进幼儿教师职业专业化等手段达到对学前教育干预的加强。 第三阶段是20世纪80年代以来至今。是联邦政府干预学前教育再度升级的阶段。联邦政府通过立法、资金投入、推动课程改革,推进幼儿教师专业化发展等多维度,立体化的方式实现对学前教育干预的全面扩张。 纵观20世纪美国联邦政府干预学前教育近一个世纪的发展,虽然干预仍旧存在资助项目重复设叠、质量发展参差不齐、师资准入未能统一的缺憾;但是,通过干预实现了学前教育规模的从弱小到强大、课程模式的从单一到全面、师资队伍的从职业到专业、教育机会的从点位到广谱,取得了巨大的成功;形成了立法与投入确立政府主导、分权与制衡激发各方动力、扶弱与济贫守牢公平底线的基本经验,为我国党和政府加强对学前教育管理与推动提供了有益的启示。
[Abstract]:Education is the foundation of a hundred-year plan. Preschool education is the starting point of educational system and an important part of education. Preschool education is not only related to individual development and happiness, but also to the whole national quality and the sustainable development of society. Preschool education is a kind of quasi-public goods with strong publicity and wide social benefits. It is the responsibility of the government to guide preschool education and regulate and manage preschool education with financial support. Our government has been actively exploring the reform and development of preschool education, but is still facing new problems and challenges. This year, the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Program outline 2010-2020 (abbreviated as "the outline") is about to be promulgated, which sets out clear concepts and objectives for the development of pre-school education, which can be foreseen. Preschool education in China will be vigorously promoted and supported by the Party and the government to achieve rapid development. Of course, as a strategic programmatic document, it is impossible to specify the specific path of realization in detail, which is also a major historical mission of the vast number of preschool education management and theoretical workers. The stone of other mountains can attack jade. We are pleased to see that, as the representative of the developed countries in education and economy, the United States, with its great success in intervening in preschool education by the federal government in the 20th century, can be regarded as the model of government intervention in preschool education. This paper systematically combs the course of federal government intervention in preschool education in the 20th century by using the methods of literature, history and comparison. On the basis of analyzing the social background and intervention measures in different periods, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the process of intervention in preschool education by the federal government in the 20th century. The intervention process of American federal government in preschool education in the 20 ~ (th) century is divided into three stages of increasing intervention intensity. The first stage, in the early-1950s, was the initial stage of federal intervention in preschool education. During this period, the Federal Government, by supporting the establishment and development of childcare schools and public kindergartens, funded the creation of the Emergency Care School and the Rahamfah Child Care Centre to achieve initial intervention in pre-school education. The second stage was in the 1960s and 1970s, when the federal government intervened in preschool education from weak to strong. During this period, the federal government strengthened the pre-school education intervention by implementing the "beginning Plan", legislating for special preschool education, developing the pre-school education curriculum model, and promoting the professional specialization of preschool teachers. The third stage is since the 1980 s. This is the stage in which the federal government interferes with the re-escalation of preschool education. Through legislation, capital investment, curriculum reform and professional development of preschool teachers, the federal government can realize the comprehensive expansion of preschool education intervention in a three-dimensional way. Throughout the 20th century, the United States federal government intervened in the development of preschool education for nearly a century. Although the intervention still exists the overlapping of funded projects, the uneven development of quality, the lack of uniform access to teachers, but, Through intervention, the scale of preschool education is from weak to strong, curriculum model from single to comprehensive, teachers from professional to professional, educational opportunities from point to broad spectrum, has achieved great success; It has formed the basic experience of legislation and investment to establish the government leading, decentralization and checks and balances to stimulate the power of all parties, to help the weak and the poor to keep the fair bottom line, and to provide beneficial enlightenment for our party and government to strengthen the management and promotion of preschool education.


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