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发布时间:2018-06-03 11:45

  本文选题:自我调节 + 珠心算训练 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 自我调节能力是儿童发展过程中的重要方面,自我调节能力的发展是儿童心理发展日渐成熟的标志,良好自我调节能力的形成对儿童的心理发展有促进作用。近年来,对于儿童自我调节能力的研究逐渐增多。本研究总结了不同研究者的观点,认为自我调节是个体为了实现某一目标,依据特定的社会背景和环境的要求,主动调节自己心理与行为反应的过程。儿童自我调节的心理机制包括努力控制、执行功能和行为调节,这三种心理机制之间存在着交叉和重叠。 近年来,研究者发展了很多关于儿童自我调节能力的研究方法,通过对国内外自我调节能力常用的研究方法进行分析,本研究划分了四类自我调节相关的心理过程,分别是认知过程调节、情绪情感过程调节、行为调节和需要调节。 很多研究关注儿童期自我调节能力的发展对儿童以后心理发展的影响。儿童期自我调节能力的发展影响儿童的行为问题、社会能力和学业能力。因此,儿童自我调节能力的重要性不容忽视。 珠心算是数学教学的一种方法,自兴起以来在我国得到了广泛的推广。珠心算借助内化的“心理算盘”在头脑中进行快速准确的计算。珠心算训练有助于提高儿童的注意力、记忆力,促进思维和智力发展。儿童期是珠心算训练的关键期,也是自我调节能力发展的重要时期,珠心算过程和儿童自我调节具有相近的心理机制。因此,本研究考察了珠心算训练对儿童自我调节能力的影响。 本研究包括两个研究。研究一是3-6岁儿童自我调节能力测验的编制。通过参考前人的研究和预测结果,选取6个测验任务(绿草白雪任务、倒背数字任务、白天黑夜任务、视觉图形记忆任务、蝴蝶青蛙任务和今天明天任务)对148名3-6岁儿童进行个别施测,结果发现: (1)3-6岁儿童自我调节能力测验具有较为理想的难度和区分度。该测验的难度为0.58,测验的总区分度为0.32。 (2)3-6岁儿童自我调节能力测验的信度指标良好。该测验的内部一致性信度为0.92,重测稳定性信度为0.64,达到0.01水平显著。 (3)3-6岁儿童自我调节能力测验的总分呈正态分布。 (4)3-6岁儿童自我调节能力年龄差异显著。随着年龄的增长,自我调节能力提高。 研究二是珠心算训练对4-5岁儿童自我调节能力的影响。选取70名被试,4岁组39人,5岁组31人,分为非珠心算组和珠心算组,珠心算组按珠心算学习时数分组。对70名被试进行自我调节能力测验,考察珠心算训练对4-5岁儿童自我调节能力的影响。结果发现: (1)4岁组被试珠心算学习时数(非珠心算组,学习珠心算18小时组,学习珠心算69小时组)对自我调节能力的影响不显著。但是,该年龄组被试珠心算学习时数对绿草白雪任务得分的影响接近显著,没学过珠心算和学习69小时珠心算的被试绿草白雪任务得分的差异显著,其他任务的差异均不显著。 (2)5岁组被试珠心算学习时数(非珠心算组,学习珠心算18或69小时组,学习珠心算396小时组)对自我调节能力的影响接近显著,学习珠心算18或69小时的被试和学习珠心算396小时的被试自我调节能力测验的得分差异显著。倒背数字任务中,被试珠心算学习时数对倒背数字任务得分的影响显著,学习珠心算18或69小时的被试和学习珠心算396小时的被试该任务的得分有差异显著,其他任务的差异均不显著。
[Abstract]:Self - regulation ability is an important aspect of children ' s development . The development of self - regulation ability is a sign of the development of children ' s psychological development , and the formation of good self - regulation ability promotes the psychological development of children . In recent years , self - regulation is the process of self - regulation of children .

In recent years , researchers have developed a lot of research methods on children ' s self - regulation ability . Through the analysis of the commonly used methods of self - regulation at home and abroad , this study divides four kinds of self - regulation - related psychological processes , which are cognitive process regulation , emotion emotion process regulation , behavior regulation and need adjustment , respectively .

Many researches focus on the development of children ' s self - regulation ability after children ' s psychological development . The development of children ' s self - regulation ability affects the behavior problem , social ability and academic ability of children . Therefore , the importance of self - regulation ability of children cannot be ignored .

Zhuhai is a method of mathematics teaching , which has been widely promoted in our country since its rise . It is helpful to improve children ' s attention , memory , promote thinking and intelligence development .

The study included two studies on the self - regulation ability test of children aged 3 - 6 years . By referring to the previous research and prediction results , the authors selected 6 test tasks ( green grass snow task , inverted digital task , white night task , visual graphic memory task , butterfly frog task and tomorrow ' s task ) to individually test 148 children aged 3 - 6 years , and the results showed that :

( 1 ) The 3 - 6 year old children self - regulation ability test has the ideal difficulty and division . The difficulty of the test is 0.58 , and the total division of the test is 0.32 .

( 2 ) The reliability index of self - regulation ability test of children aged 3 - 6 was good . The internal consistency of the test was 0.92 , the reliability of retest stability was 0.64 , which reached 0.01 level .

( 3 ) The total score of self - regulation ability test of children aged 3 - 6 was normal distribution .

( 4 ) The age difference of self - regulation ability of children aged 3 - 6 is significant . With the increase of age , self - regulating ability is improved .

The self - regulation ability of children aged 4 - 5 years was studied in the second part of the study . The results showed that : 70 students were selected , 39 in 4 years of age and 31 in 5 years of age , and were divided into non - abacus group and abacus group . The effect of Zhuhai - mental training on self - regulation ability of children aged 4 - 5 was studied .

( 1 ) There was no significant influence on self - regulation ability in the 4 - year - old group . However , the influence of the number of hours of study in the age group on the ability of self - regulation was not significant . However , the difference between the scores of the time - tested hours on the score of the snow - snow task of the green grass was close to each other , and there was no significant difference between the scores of the test green grass and snow - snow job scores after the abacus calculation and the learning of 69 hours , and the difference of other tasks was not significant .

( 2 ) There was a significant difference in the scores of the self - regulating ability test between the five - year - old group and the students who had been tested and studied for 396 hours . The scores of the students who had been tested for 18 or 69 hours had significant difference in the scores of the subjects who had been tested and studied for 396 hours , and the differences in other tasks were not significant .


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1 叶华奇;;小学生心算能力发展研究综述[J];铜仁学院学报;2010年06期

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1 王元;3-5岁儿童自我调节各成分与其心理理论发展水平的关系[D];东北师范大学;2010年

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1 陶丽霞;珠心算训练对儿童智力和非智力因素的影响[D];浙江大学;2010年




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