[Abstract]:Finishing strategy is a new research field in the cognitive strategy of information processing psychology in recent 20 years. In the early reading activities of kindergarten, according to the theory of information processing psychology, the application of some finishing strategies can not only guide children's intentional attention and intentional memory, but also find out the inner relationship of knowledge and establish the relationship between new and old knowledge. It also helps to stimulate children's reading interest, develop good reading habits and develop certain reading skills. This research is divided into three parts. The main research methods are literature research, action research and educational experience summary. The first part explains the reason of choosing this topic. From the present situation of kindergarten reading, this paper expounds the necessity of choosing this topic and the practical and guiding significance of this study. The second part explains the research background of this study. This paper introduces the current situation and review of early reading teaching strategies at home and abroad. This paper introduces the theoretical basis of this research-information processing psychology and its cognitive strategies and finishing strategies, and expounds their basic viewpoints, basic contents, basic characteristics and so on. The third part expounds the application of finishing strategy in kindergarten early reading. Using finishing strategies to improve the quality of reading materials, the use of artificial association strategy and generation strategy to help children to read understanding, create a variety of reading methods.
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