发布时间:2018-08-30 14:21
【摘要】: 研究者利用儿童哲学对话法,在幼儿中建立伦理探究群体,围绕“朋友”、“听话”、“诚实”、“同情”、“谦让”、“偷与拿”等六个伦理主题展开49次伦理探究活动。并配合相应的深度访谈和行为观察,获取到幼儿置身其中的各类伦理情境和诸多伦理生活故事。 在默会认识论的启发下,研究者采用境遇伦理学的分析方法,对幼儿遭遇的伦理探究情境做出相应的纵向和横向分析,着力呈现在变动的情境中幼儿对伦理问题的默会认识;并在此基础上,对幼儿东东在园挨打的现实生活事件做综合的情境分析,再次论证了关系情境及其情境中规则的清晰度对于幼儿伦理默会认识的影响。最后,在情境分析的基础上,揭示学前期儿童在伦理情境中体验到的大量默会认识,试着走近幼儿伦理视界的源头。 本研究在儿童伦理认识的研究思路上尝试两个方面的突破: 首先,把情境从研究的“背景”置换为研究的“前景”。从境遇伦理学的“境遇决定实情”这一原则出发,研究者关注的不仅是幼儿能够用语言表达的明确伦理认识,更关注通过幼儿自己伦理行为呈现的难以用语言表达的默会认识,而这些通过行为来传达的默会认识,是存在于具体的伦理情境之中的。所以,儿童置身其中的具体伦理情境成为本研究的重心。即:儿童的一切伦理认识(明确的与默会的)都是在具体的情境分析之中逐步呈现出来的。 其次,本研究对幼儿伦理认识的界定从能言传的“明确认识”扩展到不能言传、构成行动的“默会认识”,而且,从道德发展心理学的“分散性科学认识”扩展到和情境体验相关的“整体性哲学认识”。研究者认为,儿童对任何一个具体的伦理行为的判断和认识主要以默会的形式存在。即:当下的伦理行动是最主要的,而构成行动的不仅有对交往目的和交往对象的集中意识,更有对于自己身体、交往的外部线索和已有文化经验的诸多默会认识,这些认识往往难以言传,而且是整合在具体的情境体验之中的。 基于默会认识论视野中的伦理情境分析(第三、四、五章),研究者提出关于幼儿伦理视界的基本观点有如下五点: (1)儿童通过社会交往生活和伦理探究来发展伦理认识。 (2)儿童的伦理认识大多是难以言传的默会认识。故事和行动是幼儿的默会伦理认识的主要呈现形式。 (3)儿童的伦理认识具有情境的变化性和体验的整体性。 (4)伦理情境类型以及情境中规则的清晰度对幼儿的伦理认识有直接影响。 (5)超越情境要以儿童和成人共同的生命体验为基础。共同的对死亡的恐惧体验可以发展出伦理化的同情与爱。即使是幼儿,也有一种超越情境的伦理认识,就是基于爱的敏感性而产生的对于弱者的同情。 最后,研究者从情境分析的结论中走出,对伦理教育提出4点建议: 1、成人需要主动去关注幼儿置身其中的伦理生活情境,只有理解情境,才能走入幼儿的伦理默会视界。 2、对幼儿的伦理教育要在具体情境中进行,脱离情境的规范教育,逻辑上和事实上都是行不通的。 3、伦理教育的基础是关爱生命的教育,对于幼儿,对他身体感受的关爱和敏感则是关爱的第一步。 4、哲学教育和艺术教育是通向伦理教育整体性的理想途径。
[Abstract]:Using the method of children's philosophical dialogue, the researcher set up an ethical inquiry group in young children, and carried out 49 ethical inquiry activities around six ethical themes, such as "friends", "obedience", "honesty", "compassion", "humility", "stealing and taking". Situation and many ethical life stories.
Inspired by tacit epistemology, the researcher adopts the method of situational ethics to analyze the situation of ethical inquiry encountered by young children vertically and horizontally, focusing on presenting children's tacit understanding of ethical issues in a changing situation, and on this basis, to make a comprehensive analysis of the real life events of children being beaten in kindergartens. Situational analysis demonstrates the influence of the clarity of the rules in the context on the tacit understanding of children's ethics.
This study attempts to make two breakthroughs in the research of children's ethical cognition.
First of all, the situation is replaced by the "foreground" of the study. From the principle of "circumstance decides the truth" of circumstance ethics, the researcher pays attention not only to the explicit ethical knowledge that children can express in language, but also to the tacit understanding which is difficult to express in language through their own ethical behavior. Therefore, the specific ethical situation in which children are exposed becomes the focus of this study. That is, all the ethical knowledge (explicit and tacit) of children is gradually presented in the specific situation analysis.
Secondly, this study extends the definition of infant ethical cognition from "clear understanding" to "tacit understanding" which constitutes action, and from "dispersive scientific knowledge" of moral developmental psychology to "holistic philosophical knowledge" related to situational experience. The judgment and cognition of the ethical behavior of the body mainly exists in the form of tacit understanding, that is, the current ethical action is the most important, and the action consists of not only the centralized awareness of the purpose of communication and the object of communication, but also the tacit understanding of one's own body, external clues of communication and cultural experience. It is also integrated in the specific situational experience.
Based on the analysis of ethical situation from the perspective of tacit epistemology (Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5), the researcher puts forward the following five basic viewpoints on infant ethical vision:
(1) children develop ethical knowledge through social interaction and ethical inquiry.
(2) Most of the children's ethical knowledge is tacit knowledge which is difficult to express. Stories and actions are the main forms of children's tacit ethical knowledge.
(3) children's ethical cognition has the changing situation and the integrity of experience.
(4) the types of ethical situations and the clarity of rules in situations have a direct impact on children's ethical cognition.
(5) Transcending the situation should be based on the common life experience of children and adults. The common fear of death can develop ethical sympathy and love. Even young children have an ethical understanding of transcending the situation, that is, sympathy for the weak based on the sensitivity of love.
Finally, the researcher comes out from the conclusion of situational analysis and puts forward 4 suggestions for ethical education.
1. Adults need to take the initiative to pay attention to the ethical life situation in which children are exposed. Only by understanding the situation can adults enter the perspective of children's ethical tacit understanding.
2. The ethical education for young children should be carried out in specific situations. It is logically and practically impossible to carry out normative education without context.
3. The basis of ethical education is life-loving education. For young children, caring and sensitive to their physical feelings is the first step of caring.
4, philosophy education and art education is an ideal way to the integrity of ethics education.
[Abstract]:Using the method of children's philosophical dialogue, the researcher set up an ethical inquiry group in young children, and carried out 49 ethical inquiry activities around six ethical themes, such as "friends", "obedience", "honesty", "compassion", "humility", "stealing and taking". Situation and many ethical life stories.
Inspired by tacit epistemology, the researcher adopts the method of situational ethics to analyze the situation of ethical inquiry encountered by young children vertically and horizontally, focusing on presenting children's tacit understanding of ethical issues in a changing situation, and on this basis, to make a comprehensive analysis of the real life events of children being beaten in kindergartens. Situational analysis demonstrates the influence of the clarity of the rules in the context on the tacit understanding of children's ethics.
This study attempts to make two breakthroughs in the research of children's ethical cognition.
First of all, the situation is replaced by the "foreground" of the study. From the principle of "circumstance decides the truth" of circumstance ethics, the researcher pays attention not only to the explicit ethical knowledge that children can express in language, but also to the tacit understanding which is difficult to express in language through their own ethical behavior. Therefore, the specific ethical situation in which children are exposed becomes the focus of this study. That is, all the ethical knowledge (explicit and tacit) of children is gradually presented in the specific situation analysis.
Secondly, this study extends the definition of infant ethical cognition from "clear understanding" to "tacit understanding" which constitutes action, and from "dispersive scientific knowledge" of moral developmental psychology to "holistic philosophical knowledge" related to situational experience. The judgment and cognition of the ethical behavior of the body mainly exists in the form of tacit understanding, that is, the current ethical action is the most important, and the action consists of not only the centralized awareness of the purpose of communication and the object of communication, but also the tacit understanding of one's own body, external clues of communication and cultural experience. It is also integrated in the specific situational experience.
Based on the analysis of ethical situation from the perspective of tacit epistemology (Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5), the researcher puts forward the following five basic viewpoints on infant ethical vision:
(1) children develop ethical knowledge through social interaction and ethical inquiry.
(2) Most of the children's ethical knowledge is tacit knowledge which is difficult to express. Stories and actions are the main forms of children's tacit ethical knowledge.
(3) children's ethical cognition has the changing situation and the integrity of experience.
(4) the types of ethical situations and the clarity of rules in situations have a direct impact on children's ethical cognition.
(5) Transcending the situation should be based on the common life experience of children and adults. The common fear of death can develop ethical sympathy and love. Even young children have an ethical understanding of transcending the situation, that is, sympathy for the weak based on the sensitivity of love.
Finally, the researcher comes out from the conclusion of situational analysis and puts forward 4 suggestions for ethical education.
1. Adults need to take the initiative to pay attention to the ethical life situation in which children are exposed. Only by understanding the situation can adults enter the perspective of children's ethical tacit understanding.
2. The ethical education for young children should be carried out in specific situations. It is logically and practically impossible to carry out normative education without context.
3. The basis of ethical education is life-loving education. For young children, caring and sensitive to their physical feelings is the first step of caring.
4, philosophy education and art education is an ideal way to the integrity of ethics education.
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