[Abstract]:Since the 1970s and 1980s, the research perspective of excellent teachers has changed from focusing on explicit educational behavior to internal mental activities, and a large number of articles have appeared to study the teaching ideas, plans, decisions and reflections of excellent teachers. "it is not enough to study how teachers teach, but to study their cognitive aspects and how they think," the researchers said. But these studies mainly take place in foreign countries, and focus on the excellent teachers in primary and secondary schools, and there are few researches on the mental activities of excellent preschool teachers. The research of excellent teachers in our country is guided by foreign research, and the whole step is slower than that of foreign countries. Few people devote themselves to studying the mental activities of excellent teachers, and few of them study the mental activities of excellent preschool teachers. Based on the worldwide research trend and the fact that there are few researches on the mental activities of excellent preschool teachers in our country, this paper takes collective teaching activities as the starting point and takes the former, middle and last three stages of teaching activities as the research scope. Through qualitative case study, this paper analyzes the mental activities of excellent preschool teachers, and draws some research results of certain significance. This paper discusses the results of the research from three aspects: the specific mental activities of excellent preschool teachers in the whole course of teaching activities, the personal teaching ideas that play a guiding role in teaching behavior, and the following aspects: 1. Factors related to mental activities of excellent preschool teachers. Specifically, latitude one belongs to the micro-level analysis, which presents the various bases and principles that the research object follows in a series of links from the stage of teaching design to the reflection after the end of the activity. As well as a lot of attention or attention to some issues or content. For example, on how to prevent teaching, she is extremely concerned with emotional control and rules and requirements. The specific links involve the setting of teaching objectives, the selection and application of teaching methods, the selection and organization of teaching contents, the questioning in teaching activities, the prevention and solution of teaching problems during the implementation of teaching activities, and the reflection after teaching activities. The second is the analysis of the educational concept of the object of study, which is presented from six aspects: suitability, openness, integration, foresight, high quality and maximum benefit. Latitude three analyzes the related factors that affect the mental activities of excellent preschool teachers in teaching activities from two angles of subjective and objective. These nine aspects are: cooperation and exchange among colleagues, teaching planning of kindergarten, teacher's family, educational theory, teaching experience, understanding of children, teaching idea and character characteristics.
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