[Abstract]:In a world in which objects are seen with the naked eye, people usually magnify others' trivial shortcomings and narrow or even ignore their dazzling flashes. God's creation is fair, giving you one thing at the same time will certainly take back another thing, so there is what people often say "no man is perfect", "there is no loss to gain." This requires us to look at the people around us in a developing and appreciative way, to discover their strengths, to radiate their light, to deliver positive energy through love, and to believe that they will be able to show their greatest edge. Add a bright color to the world. " Love all over the world "is the rule that Tao Xingzhi adheres to all his life." Love is like a teache
【作者单位】: 江苏省昆山市巴城镇翡翠湾幼儿园;
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