[Abstract]:[objective] to understand the intervention effect of health education on common health problems of preschool children, and to explore a model of health education suitable for children's characteristics. Implement a series of health education activities. To investigate the knowledge, attitude and behavior of children and their parents about the prevention of simple obesity, dental caries and vitamin A deficiency before and after health education. [results] after health education, most of the health related knowledge of parents and children were investigated. Improved attitude and behavior. In particular, the rate of correct answers to questions related to vitamin A deficiency among parents increased from 19.340.66 to 66.852.27, and the correct answer rate for children's questions related to vitamin A deficiency increased from 14.36 to 46.96. To 67.96% and 80.11%, the holding rate of preventing vitamin A deficiency in all knowledge and behaviors increased significantly (P0.01). [conclusion] aiming at preschool children's physical and mental characteristics, children are the main body, parents and children participate together, The comprehensive intervention model of the combination of medical education and education can obviously improve the compliance of children and parents to health education and improve their health knowledge, attitude and behavior.
【作者单位】: 武汉市妇女儿童医疗保健中心;武汉市育才幼儿园;
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