[Abstract]:Life is like a journey, starting with birth, ending with death. The distance between birth and death is life. Death is a constitutive factor of life, the ultimate destination of life, an emotional knowledge of human beings, and an unavoidable problem. We might think that young children don't care about death at all, but that's not the case. Children are not insulators of "death". Today, when the media is flourishing and information is speeding through, children may come into contact with some experiences related to death, both intentionally and unintentionally. Studies have also shown that pre-school children also have a certain awareness of death. Therefore, based on the analysis of the development of the concept of death in large class children, this study attempts to explore the influence of various factors on the concept of death, and to provide strategies and suggestions for children's death education in the future. There are two parts in this study. The first part: the development of the concept of child death in big class. By means of questionnaire survey, the author tested the five sub-concepts of the concept of death in large class children: the universality of death, irreversibility of death, incompetence of death, cause of death and judgment of death, and understood the development of the concept of death in Taipan. The results showed that the children in large class had the concept of death, and some children had the concept of death fully mature, but the five sub-concepts of the concept of death of children in big class developed unevenly, and a few children appeared to fear and escape from the problem of "death". The second part: the influence of various factors on the development of the concept of child death in big class. The distribution of factors such as gender, contact with death experience, open talk about death topic, media, family religious belief and parents' attitude towards death were obtained by questionnaire, and the influence of each factor on the concept of child death was analyzed. The results showed that children's gender, media and family religious beliefs had no significant influence on the development of the concept of child death. Children's experience in contact with death, openly talking about the topic of death, and parents' attitude to death have a significant effect on the sub-concepts of "irreversibility", "cause of death" and "death apraxia" of the concept of child death in turn.
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