[Abstract]:With the children from family to kindergarten, family and kindergarten as the two most important micro-system affecting the development of children, began to form an important intermediate system-home relationship. Home education is an indispensable part of kindergarten education. Only the close combination of family education and kindergarten education can make preschool education more complete. Our country has always attached importance to the cooperative education of family and kindergarten. There are many cooperative education methods, such as parents' meeting, home visit, parents' garden, etc. However, there are many unsatisfactory places in the process of practice. In the era of network, people depend more on the network than other media, and the network has become the main channel for people to obtain information. Social software such as blog, space, QQ and so on are changing our living environment and the way of communication. How to establish an effective and interactive home education platform with the help of blog technology to realize home cooperative education? This research is based on this consideration, combining blog technology with parents' garden, making parents' garden network information, providing parents with interactive platform to participate in early childhood education, and creating blog parent garden. Through the establishment and operation of blog parent garden, this paper explores the design and evaluation method of network parent garden. First of all, through network retrieval, literature analysis, questionnaire survey, interview and other methods, this paper investigates and analyzes the current situation of network technology application in home co-breeding, aiming at the demand of home co-breeding and the deficiency of existing home co-breeding form. Combining with the concept and characteristics of blog, the author establishes the blog parent garden, and applies it to the contact work of class home. Finally, the use of blog parent garden is statistically analyzed, and compared with the traditional parent garden to verify the effectiveness of the blog parent garden in the home co-education. Through this new window, which is open to parents based on blog technology, it provides an interactive platform for parents to participate in kindergarten education, and promotes the establishment of equal and mutual relations between the two sides of their homes. Blog-based parent garden has positive practical significance and application value.
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