[Abstract]:In order to understand the present situation of physique and sports activities of children aged 3 years and 6 years old in Pingdingshan City, and to explore some laws of their development and changes, this paper selects representative district and county kindergartens to analyze the shape and function of children aged 3 years and 6 years old in some kindergartens. The measurement and analysis of physique indexes such as quality, questionnaire survey and investigation and research on kindergarten sports activities provide the basis for exploring scientific methods to improve children's physique and enrich the research results of children's physique in this area. This paper objectively reflects the physical quality of children in Pingdingshan City with scientific data, so as to provide more targeted reference for their sports activities, and puts forward some sports intervention measures to promote the physical health of children according to the results of the study. Let the society attach importance to and optimize children's sports activities, and then contribute to the reform of children's sports activities in Pingdingshan City. According to the statistical results: 1. At present, the body shape, function and quality index of 6-year-old children in Pingdingshan City increase with the increase of age, except that the flexibility quality decreases with the increase of age, and the growth and development rate is faster in this age group, which is an important period of human body development. 2. The results of physique test showed that the morphological indexes of young children were slightly higher than those of Han children in China, but the growth rate between gender and age was different, showing a certain law. The weight index of male and female children increased greatly, and the height development index of male and female children was close to that of male children. In terms of physical fitness, the average flexion of female children was higher than that of male children, but the other five items were lower than those of male children. The balance ability, speed quality and upper limb strength of rural children are better than those of urban children, the flexibility quality, sensitive quality and lower extremity muscle strength of urban children are better than those of rural children. The results of this questionnaire suggest that this phenomenon is related to the content of children's sports activities in urban and rural areas. 3. From the results of this paper, it can be seen that the participation of 6-year-old children in physical exercise mainly depends on the physical education teaching in kindergarten, and physical activities effectively promote the development of children's physical and mental health. Kindergarten sports facilities are simple, the content and form of sports activities are single, the large equipment and sports venues of sports activities are insufficient, and the venues are hardened, all of which should be paid attention to by the relevant parties. Therefore, it is suggested that the relevant departments should take effective measures. Strive to expand kindergarten sports activities, so as to promote the growth and development of children, strengthen physique, improve the health level.
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