[Abstract]:Preschool children's economic literacy education belongs to the social field of kindergarten education. At present, many countries have formed a complete system of preschool children's economic literacy education, but it has not attracted enough attention in our country. It is necessary and feasible to cultivate the economic literacy of preschool children to help them germinate the correct view of money, consumption and life values, which is both necessary and feasible from the point of view of children's lifelong development. On the basis of drawing lessons from the theory and practice of economic literacy education for preschool children in foreign countries, and considering the actual situation of physical and mental development, life and growth of preschool children in China, this study constructs a center and two backgrounds. The model of preschool children's economic literacy education in three aspects puts forward that economic literacy education should adhere to child-centered and embody the thought of child-oriented. The content of economic literacy education should be set against the background of children's daily life and social and economic development, starting from reality, keeping pace with the times, including currency and its use, goods (or services), and the scarcity of resources. Kindergartens can make use of comprehensive thematic activities, regional activities, book drifting activities, holiday activities, as well as parents resources and other ways and methods to carry out economic literacy education for preschool children.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学教育学院;
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