本文关键词:高职院校校企合作中企业积极性的调动 出处:《河南科技学院学报》2016年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:As one of the two main bodies of the cooperation between the school and the enterprise, whether the enterprise can participate actively determines the actual training effect of the cooperation between the school and the enterprise. However, in the cooperation between the higher vocational college and the enterprise, the enterprise lacks the driving force of active participation. The enthusiasm is not high. From the view of the enterprise, the enterprise participates in the school enterprise cooperation is its intrinsic motive and the benefit drive, but in the school enterprise cooperation process generally exists the enterprise economic interest cannot guarantee, the policy, the law. The imperfect mechanism has affected the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in the cooperation between schools and enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to support, guide and perfect the laws and regulations of cooperation between schools and enterprises. To ensure the unity of rights, responsibilities, interests and so on, to mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in school-enterprise cooperation.
【作者单位】: 辽宁对外经贸学院高等教育研究室;
【正文快照】: 目前,无论是高校主管部门还是高校都充分认识到我国学生实践能力总体上相对较差,只有加强实践教学才能较好地提高学生的素质和就业能力,而企业在校企合作中往往因不能获得或者获利甚少而缺乏动力。企业是校企合作中的半壁江山,但从已发表的论文来看,文章多是从学校培养人才方
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