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  本文关键词: 职业教育 职教吸引力 文化影响因素 出处:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:增强职业教育吸引力是职业教育可持续发展的有力保障。只有职业教育对学生有足够的吸引力,才能从根本上解决职业教育规模、质量、效益等方面的协调发展问题,,真正提高职业教育的地位,促进职业教育的大发展。本文涉及的职教吸引力是指职业教育得到社会肯定,受到企业欢迎,学生和家长有需求自愿选择职业教育。其中,职业教育对学生和家长的吸引力是对企业等其他方面吸引力的基础。只要职业院校有足够多优秀的生源,企业也就会更愿意同职业院校合作,培养出更多优秀的人才。职教吸引力的影响因素包罗万象,传统观念、国家政策、社会舆论、教育体制等诸多方面都对职教吸引力产生不同程度的影响。其中,传统文化对职教吸引力的影响是不容忽视的。中国历史源远流长,传统文化在漫长的历史发展中根深蒂固,因此职教吸引力不强很大程度上归因于传统文化的影响。鉴于此,本文以文化作为切入点,深入探讨职教吸引力问题。通过对影响职教吸引力的传统文化因素进行深入剖析,对如何构建积极文化氛围进行深入解读,现得出以下的结论: 1.文献资料均显示职业教育对学生和家长的吸引力不强,而且这种现象是比较普遍的,是阻碍职业教育发展的一个重要因素。 2.传统文化对职教吸引力的影响分为正面影响和负面影响,其在不同时期都有不同程度不同类型的影响因素。 3.相对于法律、制度等强制性影响,文化对职教吸引力影响的本质特征表现为文化对人的影响是潜移默化的。 4.文化为什么会对职教吸引力有影响也是本文探讨的问题之一。首先,作为文化最重要意义的核心价值观念误导使文化对职教吸引力产生影响。其次,文化的群体性导致其对职教吸引力有影响;再次,由于文化群体性的作用引发的国民从众心理也是文化对职教吸引力影响的原因之一。 5.文化通过两种途径对职教吸引力产生影响。横向上,文化通过传播影响职教吸引力;纵向上,文化通过继承影响职教吸引力。 6.文化对职教吸引力影响的特征主要表现在以下四个方面,即广泛性、稳定性、多样性和持久性。 7.文化并不是孤立存在的,因此要构建积极文化氛围必须考虑三个基本问题,即经济环境、社会环境和政治环境。 8.以文化作为切入点提高职教吸引力需考虑各个层面的问题,如学校、教师、学生、政府、社会、企业等。继而在相应的层面上采取针对性的措施,包括建立有利制度保障,发挥权威文化作用;发挥媒体导向作用,弘扬正面积极文化;提高人才培养质量,打造文化品牌效应;提高工人地位待遇,构建积极文化氛围。 9.要提高职教吸引力有赖于构建积极文化氛围,但彻底消除传统文化的负面影响几乎是不可能的,因此由于文化受经济基础、社会基础、制度等因素的影响,可以试图从其他方面间接的改变文化对职教吸引力的影响。
[Abstract]:Enhancing the attraction of vocational education is the effective guarantee for the sustainable development of vocational education. Only if vocational education has enough attraction to students can the scale and quality of vocational education be fundamentally solved. In order to improve the status of vocational education and promote the development of vocational education, this article refers to the attraction of vocational education, which is recognized by the society and welcomed by enterprises. Students and parents need to choose vocational education voluntarily. Among them, the attraction of vocational education to students and parents is the basis of attraction to enterprises and other aspects. As long as vocational colleges have enough excellent student resources. Enterprises will be more willing to cooperate with vocational colleges and universities to cultivate more talented people. The factors affecting the attractiveness of vocational education are all-encompassing, traditional ideas, national policies, public opinion. The influence of traditional culture on the attraction of vocational education can not be ignored. The history of China has a long history. Traditional culture is deeply rooted in the long historical development, so the attraction of vocational education is not strongly attributed to the influence of traditional culture to a great extent. In view of this, this paper takes culture as the starting point. Through the deep analysis of the traditional cultural factors that influence the vocational education attraction, how to construct the positive cultural atmosphere is deeply interpreted, and the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The literature shows that vocational education is not attractive to students and parents, and this phenomenon is relatively common, which is an important factor hindering the development of vocational education. 2. The influence of traditional culture on the attraction of vocational education can be divided into positive and negative effects, which have different degrees and different types of factors in different periods. 3. Compared with the compulsory influence of law and system, the essential characteristic of the influence of culture on the attraction of vocational education is that the influence of culture on people is imperceptible. 4. Why culture has an influence on the attraction of vocational education is also one of the problems discussed in this paper. Firstly, the misdirection of core values of the most important meaning of culture makes culture have an impact on the attraction of vocational education. Second, it has an impact on the attractiveness of vocational education. The mass of culture leads to its influence on the attraction of vocational education; Thirdly, the influence of culture on the attraction of vocational education is also caused by the national conformity psychology. 5. Culture influences the attraction of vocational education in two ways. Horizontally, culture influences the attractiveness of vocational education through communication; vertically, culture influences the attraction of vocational education through inheritance. 6. The influence of culture on the attractiveness of vocational education is mainly manifested in the following four aspects: extensiveness, stability, diversity and persistence. 7. Culture does not exist in isolation, so three basic problems must be considered in order to construct a positive cultural atmosphere, namely, economic environment, social environment and political environment. 8. Culture as a starting point to improve the attractiveness of vocational education needs to consider various levels of issues, such as schools, teachers, students, governments, society, enterprises and so on, and then take targeted measures at the corresponding level. Including the establishment of a favorable system of protection, play the role of authoritative culture; Play a leading role in media and carry forward positive culture; Improve the quality of talent training, create cultural brand effect; Improve the status of workers and build a positive cultural atmosphere. 9. To improve the attractiveness of vocational education depends on the construction of a positive cultural atmosphere, but it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the negative effects of traditional culture, which is therefore based on the economic basis and social basis of culture. The influence of institution and other factors can indirectly change the influence of culture on the attraction of vocational education.


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