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发布时间:2018-02-24 22:13

  本文关键词: 中国职教学会 成人教育司 占山 职业技术教育 职业技术院校 开发机构 职教发展 研究中心 尹鸿 副主任  出处:《中国职业技术教育》2015年13期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In April 24th, the Committee on textbook work of the China Vocational and Technical Education Association was held in Beijing. Liu Zhanshan, executive vice president and secretary-general of the China Vocational and Technical Education Association, was deputy director of the Institute of Vocational and Technical Education Center of the Ministry of Education. Liu Lixin, director of the Teaching material work Committee of the China Vocational Education Association, and Gao Yang, Director of Teaching and Teaching Materials Division of the Vocational Education and Adult Education Department of the Ministry of Education, attended the meeting and spoke. More than 150 representatives from vocational and technical colleges and educational technology development institutions attended the meeting. The meeting was attended by Long Jie, deputy director of the standing Committee of the textbook work Committee. Yin Hongzhu presided over the meeting. Liu Zhanshan, executive vice president of the China Vocational Education Association, delivered a speech at the meeting. He pointed out that after the National Conference on Vocational Education in June last year,


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