本文选题:高职院校 切入点:群体性突发事件 出处:《湖南农业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The group emergency of students in higher vocational colleges refers to the sudden occurrence and participation of the group under the influence of the internal and external environmental factors of the colleges and universities, and it causes serious consequences or significant effects. It is open in the environment, increasing in scale and popularizing on the network.Under the influence of a series of factors, such as the sharp increase of psychological pressure, emergencies in higher vocational colleges have the characteristics of sudden and public, diversity and quickness of information, activity of subject and extensive persistence of influence, etc.It can be classified from the aspects of the nature of the event, the behavior of the student, the effect of the event and so on, and obtains a variety of classification results.In the present age, group emergencies in higher vocational colleges have complex causes, involving many aspects, such as society, schools and students.Such as the social changes and social contradictions in the course of social changes, the imbalance of school management, the weakening of ideological and political education, the absence and omission of preventive and control measures, the age and ideological characteristics of students,Personality psychological state and unique growth experience may be the causes of inducing group events.Student group emergencies include many specific events, such as public opinion emergencies, sex emergencies are two typical events.The special analysis of the background, development, influence, prevention and enlightenment of these two kinds of events will help to reveal the cause of formation and prevention and control of the group emergencies in higher vocational colleges.The research on group emergencies in higher vocational colleges should be carried out in the form of case study.It is necessary to construct an effective strategy system for the prevention and control of student group emergencies in higher vocational colleges.The construction of this strategic system can be carried out under the framework of "advance-matter-medium-afterwards-long-term".It is necessary to enhance the awareness of risk and crisis beforehand, such as to treat emergencies and their risks rationally, to improve students' awareness and ability of crisis prevention, and to innovate in crisis management, such as the principles of innovative handling, the innovative management system, and so on.Improve management institutions and their functions; after the work involves the psychological intervention and guidance of students, reflection and experience of events, etc. The long-term measures are to build an effective early-warning system for emergencies,This is a complex basic project, which should resort to the legal system and various social institutions, and form a multi-participation governance model, and pay attention to the cultivation of students' risk awareness and ability of prevention and so on.The research of student group emergencies in higher vocational colleges is an open field. The research in this field needs to combine theory with practice, keep a balance between macro and micro research, and expand the research field.At the same time, encourage colleges and universities to combine their own situation to explore diversification.
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