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发布时间:2018-04-30 15:19

  本文选题:技工院校 + 行政人员绩效 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2012年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since September 2009, performance pay has been implemented in public health, primary medical and health institutions and other institutions in China. As a technical institution, the performance management reform of technical colleges is imperative. The analysis of the influencing factors of job performance is an important prerequisite to implement performance management. This paper follows the general idea of combining the theory of performance management with relevant measurement methods, and revolves around the main axis of the factors affecting the performance of administrative staff in technical colleges in Guangzhou. Starting with the research on the present situation of administrative performance in technical colleges and universities, using the two-factor theory and ERG theory, this paper discusses the reasons for the low performance of administrative staff in technical colleges and universities, and analyzes the influencing factors of the performance of administrative staff by using the empirical research method. Based on this, some suggestions are put forward to improve the performance of the administrative staff in Guangzhou Technical College, in order to promote the performance of the administrative staff, and to steadily promote the reform of the performance pay system and the institutions. At present, although there are many related studies and theoretical works on performance management, there are few theories on the factors affecting the performance of administrative personnel, and few special studies on the integration and improvement of foreign theories. The theoretical research on performance management in technical colleges is even less. In view of the present situation of this research, this paper analyzes the theory and practice of performance management at home and abroad by using the method of literature research and comparative analysis, which will contribute to the study of the performance of administrative personnel in technical colleges and universities. In addition, through the relevant measurement of the factors that affect the performance of the administrative staff in Guangzhou Technical College, that is, the incentive factors, the health care factors, the organizational group factors, the personal characteristics factors and so on, which affect their job performance, will be analyzed by descriptive statistics. By regression analysis, we find out the significant factors that affect the performance, and put forward the ways and countermeasures to improve the performance. In a word, on the one hand, through the study of enriching the theory and methods of performance management in technical colleges and universities; on the other hand, we try to find the root of the resistance to the implementation of performance management reform for the government and the competent departments of technical colleges. Fundamentally for the implementation of performance management pointed out the direction and focus.


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