本文选题:农村职业教育 + 办学模式 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:农村问题一直是我国经济社会发展的一个重点,也是一个难点。为了解决农村问题,中央政府最近连续9年均将中央“一号文件”的主题确定为“涉农”。农村问题的核心在于农村人口收入的提高和国民待遇的改善,而破解问题的关键在于提高农村人口的人力资本积累水平,让农村人口拥有更多的发展机遇。 当前,农村职业教育承担了面向农村人口职业教育与培训的主要任务,主要包括:提供正式职业教育、农村剩余劳动力提供转移培训服务、农业技术推广服务、农村创业培训等诸方面的内容。涉及面广且体系复杂,目前问题较多,改革的难度较大。 基于现阶段我国农村职业教育的发展现状与问题,本文认为办学模式是农村职业教育改革的重点。通过分析当前农村职业教育改革与发展所面临的政治、经济及社会环境特征,提出了农村职业教育办学模式改革的目标、内容与举措。 本文分别从两个视角对职业教育办学模式的理论问题进行了讨论:生产方式与职业教育办学模式的变迁和职业教育办学模式的嵌入性。随着生产方式的变迁,从手工业时代,到前期工业经济时代,再到发达工业经济时代和知识经济时代,由于生产方式不同,造就了不同形式的职业教育办学模式;同时,职业教育办学模式也要适应一定阶段与一定区域的主流生产方式,才可能具备满足需求的服务能力。 在职业教育办学模式的嵌入性问题上,论文主要从以下几个方面进行阐述:一是经济社会学中的重要概念“嵌入”是理解职业教育办学模式与经济社会发展环境关系的重要工具;二是职业教育办学模式是嵌入在经济社会环境中的,具有典型的嵌入性特征;三是职业教育办学模式的嵌入性可以从多个方面来进行阐述与分析。 在历史研究部分,本文回顾了我国农村职业教育办学模式发展与演变的历史,回顾了民国教育家的农村教育实验、“社来社去”模式、“半农半读”模式、“三教统筹”和“农科教结合”模式、县级职教中心办学模式、城乡一体化办学模式等,分析了农村职业教育办学模式历史发展的特征与规律。 本文从经济、社会与政策三个方面对办学模式改革的嵌入环境进行了分析,嵌入环境决定了职业教育办学模式的特征。嵌入环境下办学模式改革需求主要体现在功能扩展、质量提高和注重地区差异等方面。因此,办学模式改革主要是改革办学体制、管理体制、投资体制、办学方式、办学内容;在改革的措施方面,要重视发挥政府职能、拓展部门合作机制、改革培养模式,激发教育产业的融资功能、树立正确改革代价观等。 基于上述讨论,本文的主要结论是,一个地区的办学模式,能否获得可持续发展能力,取决于办学模式是否与当地的经济社会环境及发展需求相适应,在一个地区被验证为成功的办学模式,在“移植”到其他地区之后,可能并不能达到预期的效果,而应该根据实际情况进行相应的改造。因而,在办学模式的选择上,“最合适的才是最好的”。 附录部分是两个案例研究:一是湖南邵阳“十百千万工程”职业教育办学模式的“脱嵌”及其遭遇挫折带给我们的反思与教训;二是湖南岳阳县职业教育中心办学模式改革的嵌入性分析。通过对案例的反思,我们认为农村职业教育办学模式要走出“一总结就成功、一推广就失败”的怪圈、要走出过度依赖政府、走出部门之间合作困局,办学模式改革也要超越“设计”与“内生”之争,在充分考虑嵌入性的基础上,寻求科学的农村职业教育办学模式改革方案与发展对策。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the rural problems, the central government has recently identified the theme of the central "No. 1 document" as "agriculture related" in order to solve the rural problems. The core of the rural problem lies in the improvement of the rural population income and the improvement of the national treatment, and the key to solve the problem. It is to raise the level of human capital accumulation of rural population and allow rural population to have more opportunities for development.
At present, rural vocational education has undertaken the main task of vocational education and training for rural population. It mainly includes: providing formal vocational education, rural surplus labor force providing transfer training service, agricultural technology extension service, rural entrepreneurship training and so on. The degree is larger.
Based on the current situation and problems in the development of rural vocational education at the present stage, this paper holds that the mode of running a school is the key to the reform of rural vocational education. By analyzing the political, economic and social environment features faced by the current reform and development of rural vocational education, the objectives, contents and measures of the reform of the mode of running a vocational education for rural vocational education are put forward.
This paper discusses the theoretical problems of the mode of running vocational education from two perspectives: the changes in the mode of production and the mode of running the vocational education and the embeddedness of the mode of running a vocational education. With the change of the mode of production, from the handicraft industry to the early industrial economy, and to the era of developed industrial economy and the knowledge economy. As a result of different modes of production, different forms of vocational education mode have been created. At the same time, the mode of running vocational education should also adapt to the mainstream production mode of certain stage and certain region, so that it may have the service ability to meet the demand.
On the question of the embeddedness of the mode of running vocational education, the paper mainly expounds the following aspects: first, the important concept "embedded" in economic sociology is an important tool to understand the relationship between the mode of running a vocational education and the environment of economic and social development; the two is that the model of vocational education is embedded in the economic and social environment. There are typical characteristics of embeddedness. Three, the embeddedness of vocational education mode can be explained and analyzed from many aspects.
In the historical research part, this article reviews the history of the development and evolution of the mode of running rural vocational education in our country, reviews the rural education experiment of the educationists in the Republic of China, the mode of "society to the society", the model of "half agriculture and half reading", the combination of "Three Religions" and "the combination of agricultural science and education", the mode of running a school for the county-level vocational education center and the model of the integrated school running of the urban and rural areas. This paper analyzes the characteristics and rules of the historical development of rural vocational education running mode.
This paper analyzes the embedded environment of the reform of school running mode from three aspects of economy, society and policy. The embedded environment determines the characteristics of the mode of running a vocational education. The reform demand of the mode of running a running school is mainly reflected in the function expansion, the improvement of the quality and the difference in regional differences. The system of running a school, the management system, the investment system, the way of running a school and the content of running a school. In the aspects of the reform, we should attach importance to the function of the government, expand the mechanism of the cooperation of the Department, reform the training mode, stimulate the financing function of the education industry, and set up a correct price view of reform.
Based on the above discussion, the main conclusion of this paper is that the mode of running a school in a region depends on whether the mode of running a school can adapt to the local economic and social environment and the needs of development, and the successful model of running a school in a region may not be achieved after "transplantation" to other areas. The effect of the period should be reformed according to the actual situation. Therefore, in the choice of school running mode, "the most appropriate is the best".
The appendix part is two case studies: one is the "inlay" of the "10 million project" vocational education model in Shaoyang, Hunan, and its experience, and the two is the embeddedness analysis of the reform of the Vocational Education Center in Yueyang County, Hunan. The mode of running a school should go out of the circle of "a summary of success and a failure of Popularization". It is necessary to go out of the excessive reliance on the government, to go out of the cooperation dilemma between departments, and to surpass the dispute between "design" and "endogenous", and to seek the reform scheme and development of the mode of running a school for vocational education on the basis of full consideration of the embeddedness. Show the countermeasures.
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